got my annual pay raise, works out to about $75 per biweekly paycheck. that’s better than a punch in the scro, but considering this only comes once a year and the cost of everything can quadruple when a billionaire sneezes, kinda getting nowhere. it’s alright. i know i can sell my screenplay and make a bank full of money. i know it.
Great American Satan says
for perspective the last round of grocery inflation cost me three times this, in dollars to days.
lanir says
I get paid kind of okay. I work for a company that contracts out my work so I get steady but tiny raises. Generally 1% or less. Still better than what the previous contractor company I worked for tried to pull. They actually offered to shrink my pay by like 15%. I still work doing the same job I had with them, they lost the contract to the place I work through currently. As you might suspect, they offered a lower bid but couldn’t show that they had any idea how to make it work.
If I didn’t have examples like my doctors and similar people I might be tempted to think anyone with significantly more money than me was a scumbag until they prove otherwise.
Great American Satan says
1% would be a financial death sentence for me, but i imagine your baseline is much higher than mine