¿Inktubres Conmigo?

Inktober with me? Last year when I did Inktober the results were really weird. But it’s a case of garbage in garbage out. I wanted to do the official Inktober prompts because I wanted to be official. But they were lazy and uninteresting, so at the same time I did the mythology prompts. My boyfriend said I should do legitimately Halloweenish content, and helped me generate a much better list of prompts for this year.

So, anybody interested? You do a drawing a day. Traditionally that was ink, but I really don’t care. You can do cosplay photography if you like. Each day of October there’s an iconic horror movie monster to draw. And below that list, a cloud of art styles you can use to spice up the image. One plus one. Will you draw Jason Voorhees in a rococo style? Dracula as a dog playing poker?



Take the iconic horror movie character and render them in an art style you choose from the Style Cloud!  When an iconic monster has a group (such as Lost Boys), you can choose your fave.  When there are multiple movie depictions, you can choose your fave.

  • 01  Jason VoorheesFriday the 13th
  • 02  NosferatuNosferatu
  • 03  Carrie WhiteCarrie
  • 04  BeetlejuiceBeetlejuice – Beetlejuice
  • 05  JigsawSaw
  • 06  ChuckyChild’s Play
  • 07  GodzillaGodzilla
  • 08  The ChildrenVillage of the Damned
  • 09  PennywiseIt
  • 10  The TetheredUs
  • 11  Freddy KruegerNightmare on Elm Street
  • 12  ErikThe Phantom of the Opera
  • 13  CandymanCandyman – Candyman – Candyman – Candyman
  • 14  The Saeki FamilyJu-on
  • 15  Michael MyersHalloween
  • 16  The WolfmanThe Wolfman
  • 17  The XenomorphAlien
  • 18  PinheadHellraiser
  • 19  The NunThe Conjuring 2
  • 20  GhostfaceScream
  • 21  The Creature from the Black Lagoon
  • 22  Audrey IILittle Shop of Horrors
  • 23  The Lost BoysThe Lost Boys
  • 24  Gorilla Wolf MofosAttack the Block
  • 25  LeatherfaceTexas Chainsaw Massacre
  • 26  The MummyThe Mummy
  • 27  Regan MacNeilThe Exorcist
  • 28  Hannibal LecterSilence of the Lambs
  • 29  Bride of FrankensteinBride of Frankenstein
  • 30  Frankenstein’s MonsterFrankenstein
  • 31  DraculaDracula

    the Style Cloud

When a certain artist is named, they are just a stand-in for their style or spirit.  You can make take Kazuo Umezzu for Junji Ito, Lucian Freud for Egon Schiele.  Some categories are inclusive enough, you could range Hannah Barbera from Scooby Doo to the Flintstones.  Or choose a style not on the list.

Ghanaian Poster Art    Urban Art    Rap CD Art    Outsider Art    Looney Tunes    Rococo    Roman Dirge    Robert Crumb    Hernandez Brothers    Daniel Clowes    Saul Bass    Gibson Girl    Winsor McCay    Popeye    Stoner Art    Hanna Barbera    Caricaturist    Tumblrized    Furry Art    Disney Art    Mascot    Pee-Chee    Harry Clarke    Dictionnaire Infernal    John Tenniel    Struwwelpeter    Klasky Csupo    Max Fleischer    Spongebob Squarepants    Tim Burton    Batman: The Animated Series    Cartoon Network    Stevens Universe     Rage Comics    Egon Schiele    Surrealism    Chuck Tingle Cover    Romance Novel Cover    Jack Kirby    Rob Liefeld    Garfield    Strip Comics    The Far Side    Sailor Moon    Pokemon    Alfonse Mucha    Yoshitaka Amano    Cave Art    GrecoRoman Statuary    Faerie Art    Pop Art    Kitsch    Cubism    Mannerism    Impressionism    German Expressionism    Americana    Hieroglyphics    Ukiyo-e    Hindu Art    Mesoamerican Art     Paracas Art     Bayeux Tapestry    Illuminated    Saint Art    High Renaissance    Noir Comics     Dr. Seuss    Little Golden Book    Patrick Nagel    Lisa Frank    Airbrushed Van    Goosebumps Cover    Jack Chick    Audrey Kawasaki    Junko Mizuno    Junji Ito    Keith Haring    Louis Wain    James Audubon    Mad Magazine    Rumiko Takahashi    Nintendo    Castlevania    Joshua Timbrook    Jhonen Vasquez

If you want to participate, link to your art below!


  1. says

    Drawing isn’t my thing (I only do stick figures) but it’s nice to see someone else views Hallowe’en as more than a single day event. I’ve been posting daily pics on my facebook page since September 22, the Salem Witch Trials anniversary. Forty days and forty frights.

    Most LGBTQIA people I know enjoy or enjoyed Hallowe’en for the costumes and not the spooky stuff, but for the same reason I do. It is/was the one day of the year when people could express themselves honestly without fearing judgement or harassment.

  2. Jenora Feuer says

    You’re not the only person who’s done Inktober before who decided that this year’s prompts were boring. I’ve got two friends who have been pretty regular about it, one of whom just decided not to do it at all this year, and one who decided to get people to sign up and supply a character to draw and a single inspirational word and he’d work from that.

  3. Jenora Feuer says

    Me? I write stories. (And have actually been paid for publication for two of them.) Visual art I leave to (or commission from) other folks. Sadly, I only have so much time to practice and get good at things, so need to pick and choose which ones.

  4. Jenora Feuer says

    I may try. I failed pretty spectacularly the last time I tried. I’m a bit too much of a compulsive tweaker and self-editor to easily do the ‘rapid first draft’ for NaNoWriMo. And that’s on top of the fact that my main writing time is while in transit.

    Granted, I tried last time because the story I was writing was sort of a sort of a future cyberpunk survival horror (main characters are expendable flunkies that get dropped on a planet to establish a claim, and have to find out what killed the previous set of flunkies sent by the rival corporation that they’re trying to claim jump on) that I’d been working on previously serialized in an Amateur Press Association… unfortunately, survival horror requires a fairly specific ratcheting up of tension that is difficult to serialize. It really needs to be completely plotted in your head at once to write.

    Maybe I’ll try something different next time. On the other hand, I’ve also got something near novel length already that I need to do a full editing pass on…

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