The new book is in! Over 400 pages, roughly 3 years worth of commentary in verse; here, take a look! Available as paperback and as e-book. Here, here’s a link to every possible Cuttlefish book you could ever want.
The older (well, 2010) collection of Cuttlefish classics contains roughly three years’ worth of verse, on topics from science to politics to love. It is available in dead-tree form (a suitable gift for both dear friends and hated enemies) from Lulu, and in e-book form (a suitable gift for more technologically savvy dear friends and hated enemies) through the iBookstore.
Cuttlefish iBookstore Linky Deally
The beautiful Cuttlefish With Quill, my logo, is also available on mugs, shirts, and Ferraris (Ferraris currently on back-order, it seems, so no luck there) through CafePress.
Cuttlefish goodies on CafePress! Also there–other goodies featuring the cephalopod artwork of Michael McRae (as seen at The Digital Cuttlefish).
Oh, and yes, you can always buy me a drink donate directly:
You can also show your support in a manner which is very cool, but nets me not a penny, by buying one of the very cool Cuttlefish Car Emblems (currently available both as vinyl cutout sticker, and as injection-molded plastic car emblem) from the EvolveFISH people!