Unconstitutional Chaplains

If you haven’t yet, watch this video, courtesy of Chris Rodda. Then, forgive me for re-posting this verse. It’s just that it’s all too appropriate, once again.

The chaplains are ready to answer the call
In the guise of supporting our fitness
To breach and dismantle the church-and-state wall
And to act as a born-again witness

And the Head of the chaplains will smile and nod,
For God and for country (but mostly for God)
[Read more…]

30 Months In Prison For Indonesian Atheist

Well, fuck.

Via the Jakarta Globe…

An Indonesian man arrested after writing “God doesn’t exist” on his Facebook page was jailed for 30 months Thursday for sharing explicit material about the Prophet Mohammed online.

Alexander Aan, 30, was found guilty of “deliberately spreading information inciting religious hatred and animosity,” presiding judge Eka Prasetya Budi Dharma told the Muaro Sijunjung district court in western Sumatra.

Aan posted comic strips. Comic strips. Ok, and a few articles. And for this…

“Under the Electronic Information and Transactions law, we sentence him to prison for a length of two years and six months,” Dharma said.

“What he did has caused anxiety to the community and tarnished Islam.”

Aan was beaten by an angry mob and arrested by police in his hometown of Pulau Punjung in western Sumatra in January after posting the material online and declaring himself an atheist.

The court had earlier indicted Aan with two other charges — persuading others to embrace atheism and blasphemy — and prosecutors had sought a three-and-a-half-year jail term for him.

But the court convicted him of the most serious charge and dropped the other two.

Ah… leniency.

This is freedom of religion without freedom from religion.

Indonesia, the world’s largest Muslim-majority nation, guarantees freedom of religion in its constitution and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, but only recognizes six faiths: Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, Catholicism, Protestantism and Confucianism.

Its courts have in recent years given light sentences to perpetrators of violent attacks on Christians and Islamic minority Ahmadis, some of which have been fatal.

(wow, even this news story omits atheists in this last sentence.) This is, I think, the model that the Tea Party wants for the US.

North Carolina vs. Nature

In North Carolina, Republicans boast
That they vote as they vote, for the good of the coast;
They follow the science that Genesis teaches
Denying the rise of the sea toward the beaches
Denying the flooding; denying the storms;
Denying the change as the atmosphere warms;
Denying the models predicting the inches,
They sit and pass judgment, like so many Grinches [Read more…]

God Backs Loser. Again.

When God says “run”, you must obey;
There cannot be another way.
The voters speak, and so it goes:
“Dieu propose et l’homme dispose”

Long (well, not that long), involved (fairly straightforward, actually) rant (ok, there you speak the truth, so long as ranting can include quotes from Shakespeare) after the jump: [Read more…]