It doesn’t seem quite fair to me, but it appears that Lulu (where my book is available) is having a CyberMonday sale–today only, 25% off any purchase (30% off purchases of $750 or more, for anyone who wants to buy 38 copies of my book). To those people who already have their copies on the way–I’m sorry; I honestly didn’t know they were going to do this.
My question is, are they lowering the price by cutting authors’ commissions? Or is that sheer paranoia on my part?
Anyway… they say the code for today is CYBER25 to get the discount. You should all try it out, and get your shopping out of the way early.
The Cyber Monday shoppers
Could find savings on some whoppers
If they buy a giant flat-screen, or a Kindle or a Nook
They could click away at clothing
Or computer gear with loathing
Or could see their worries melt away, by ordering my book.
They could feel the calm erasing
The anxieties they’re facing–
Sure, they could use medication, but I’ve got a better way
If your gift-list has you crying
And you want to stop the buying
Might I recommend the Cuttle-Book–but order it today!
Move over Dawkins..Missed the book sale by one dayBut I love it anywayIt would certainly be gold at any price.Boxed shrink packaging is great.This book will not meet the fateOf poor handling here. You need not roll the diceThree hundred forty poems plus oneThis book promises much fun And the content has included added spice.There are illustrations, ten(Cephalopodic, never men)And the photo plates are way more than nice. There’s no space here to revealThe great depth of its appeal,Humor, irony, a palatable screed.But it passed my final litmus I don’t have to wait for XmasTo open up this truly perfect read. Wow! This is just an amazing magnum opus. The volume, variety and quality of the poems stun me and I’m astounded at what a great job LuLu did with it. No ratty newprintish stock. The cover, the layout, and the quality of the paper are indistinguishable from expensive college texts. And, oh yes, It’s just as funny as hell. ( Should one believe that it exists and that there is anything to laugh about down there.)