The tails make a noise, too – the peacock flaps the tail a little bit and it makes a rustling rattling noise, very impressive. And of course alluring if you’re a peahen.
Years ago we visited the Woodland Park Zoo in Seattle and Northwest Trek, south of Tacoma, within about a two week period. The former had peafowl wandering the grounds, the latter, turkeys. I was quite struck by the similarities in behavior and sounds between the two.
I dunno Opelia. You complain about being overheated and then you ogle such an outrageous sexual display. From two different Kingdoms, no less!
The flowers (rhododendrons?) are of course a sexual display as well.
Since there are no female peacocks, you’ve gotta wonder who he’s displaying for….
Sorry, couldn’t help it.
I know, I know. Hence the title.
I do find the colors oddly refreshing though.
The tails make a noise, too – the peacock flaps the tail a little bit and it makes a rustling rattling noise, very impressive. And of course alluring if you’re a peahen.
Years ago we visited the Woodland Park Zoo in Seattle and Northwest Trek, south of Tacoma, within about a two week period. The former had peafowl wandering the grounds, the latter, turkeys. I was quite struck by the similarities in behavior and sounds between the two.
Well I worked at the Woodland Park Zoo for a few years. As a zookeeper.
I want that in enamel, or on fabric or a wall mural or something. It’s all my favorite colors, too.
@6-Ophelia: REALLY???? You lucky duck!!
RE: the picture – astonishing. That’s a keeper, in all senses.
So true. IT’S SO HOT… and no letup in sight, either.
That’s cool you worked as a zookeeper.
(too much?)