“They clearly want to do harm to the institutions”

Emery Emery, the “Great Penis Debate” guy, the Ardent Atheist, the guy who wrote that stupid piece about how we all just hate sex – Emery Emery has a new wheeze. His new wheeze is a fundraiser to donate to Michael Shermer’s legal fund.


  • My name is Emery Emery and I am launching this fund raising effort for two reasons.

1. As a show of public support for Michael Shermer.

2. To help alleviate the expenses associated with Michael’s effort to defend his name.

  • I do not know Michael Shermer personally and he has no idea I am setting up this fund raiser. I will be making sure that all money donated will go directly to his legal team and not to him personally.
  • If any funds are raised beyond Mr. Shermer’s legal expenses it will be used to promote skepticism and science.
  • The way that money will be donated will be put to a vote of the donors themselves via email.

If you believe what PZ Myers did was wrong, express your disgust by donating to Michael Shermer’s legal fund now.

All of that seems to assume complete confidence, even certainty, that Shermer has never sexually harassed anyone. That’s a lot to be that confident or even certain of, in the circumstances.

Why Should I Donate?

  • Don’t sit back and do nothing while Michael Shermer is accused of a heinous crime and do not think it will stop here. PZ Myers and the FtB feminists have set their sights on skepticism and atheism in general. They clearly want to do harm to the institutions.
  • A show of support will send the message that we as a community will no longer tolerate illogical attacks on people who do not condone nor support sexual harassment, sexual predation, or rape any more than we support defamation of our community members from anonymous allegations.

“PZ Myers and the FtB feminists” – sounds like a band, don’t it.

We’ve “set [our] sights on skepticism and atheism in general” – what does that mean? We want to shoot and kill skepticism and atheism? No we don’t. We “want to do harm to the institutions” – what does that mean? Nothing, really; it’s gibberish. If he means we want secularist and skeptical organizations to do a much better job of dealing with sexism and sexual harassment, and of including women instead of ignoring them, then yes, we do. But guess what – that’s not “doing harm” to them. On the contrary, it’s making them better.

Granted not everyone will see it that way. In particular, people who have been enjoying their freedom to sexually harass with impunity won’t see it that way. But people who don’t see why atheism and skepticism have to resemble frat parties will, and I think the latter vastly outnumber the former. I think better of atheism and skepticism than Emery Emery does. He thinks they’re all about people like him, and I don’t.

The most disgusting item in Emery Emery’s fundraiser is the last one, the $5000 one.

$5,000+ A Bottomless Glass Of Wine

For $5000 you will receive a night of drinking wine with Emery Emery who will not be drinking but keeping your glass full.

See what he did there? Yeah.



  1. says

    PZ Myers and the FtB feminists have set their sights on skepticism and atheism in general. They clearly want to do harm to the institutions.

    Huh? Got a plausible motive for that? I mean, prior to Elevator Gate, pretty much everyone involved was considered a pillar of the movement. If people complained about PZ, it was because he was too loud and obnoxious, and not accommodating toward moderate religion. Then abruptly, starting about two years ago, Rebecca Watson, PZ, Jen McCreight et al began pointing out that there are problems with the way women are treated within lost their shit and for no apparent reason started plotting to destroy the movement.

  2. R Johnston says


    Indeed. This is a lovely example of how Shermer’s supporters do him no favors. Glorifying rape and advocating in its favor kind of undercuts their claim that they believe Shermer isn’t a rapist.

  3. Anthony K says

    They clearly want to do harm to the institutions.

    If there’s a shorter, more succinct expression of authoritarianism, I have not read it.

  4. Anthony K says

    Since these folks love photoshops so much, I’m not surprised there’s already a tumblr of Emery Emery putting threats to the institution in their places.

  5. Anthony K says

    Well, I think I speak for all of us when I say that destroying institutions is way better than sex.


  6. hjhornbeck says

    Wonderful, another “skeptic” who’s turned a blind eye to evidence, logic, and reason, instead preferring to blindly trust an authority on their word. Any over/under on when they join together to form a Cult of Shermer?

  7. erratic says

    Oh, man. A legal fund for someone who has no legal costs, personal stories as “illogical attacks,” and an appeal to authority. How many logical fallacies can you spot?

  8. Anthony K says

    instead preferring to blindly trust an authority on their word

    It’s not even that they take him at his word; it’s simply hero fetishism at its finest. If Shermer had said, “yeah, I did that”, do you think they would have cared? Not in the least. They would have gone right to “if you drink, it’s your fault” and he’d still be absolved.

  9. says

    Also: Shermer needs a legal fund like God needs a starship. He hasn’t been (and is unlikely to be) charged criminally, he’s not being sued and so far all he’s out of pocket is for having his lawyers write a nasty-gram (which I think costs in the three figures). Any escalation is likely to come from his side, and he doesn’t strike me as someone who’s likely to be inhibited from launching a lawsuit by his wallet.

  10. Anthony K says

    Also: Shermer needs a legal fund like God needs a starship. He hasn’t been (and is unlikely to be) charged criminally, he’s not being sued and so far all he’s out of pocket is for having his lawyers write a nasty-gram (which I think costs in the three figures). Any escalation is likely to come from his side, and he doesn’t strike me as someone who’s likely to be inhibited from launching a lawsuit by his wallet.

    I swear to god, if that fucker buys a goddamn pair of shoes within the next year every pitter in the ‘verse will be up in arms about misappropriation of fund—ha, I couldn’t even type that without laughing. Fanbois will fan.

  11. Rey Fox says

    So I can see that I’m late to the party with what I first wanted to say when I saw this article: Fuck institutions.

    I will be making sure that all money donated will go directly to his legal team and not to him personally.

    After all, we wouldn’t want him buying shoes with it.

  12. says

    Well they surely have tens of thousands in the “sue the BBC” fund … Just need to reallocate to the new cause now the BBC have given them the grovelling apology they deserved. (Disclaimer: this sentence might not reflect reality in any way unless you are a narcissistic slymer)

    There has been a deafening silence from Shermer and the lawyers after his evisceration at the hands of Ian Murphy … Wonder what his law team are up to, maybe rubbing their hands in glee at the prospect of a whole slew of rubes to milk. I’m betting this is not on a no-win no-fee basis … If you can even do that in the US?

  13. Bjarte Foshaug says

    They clearly want to do harm to the institutions

    I think “euthanasia” is a more appropriate term for what we are trying to do to the institutions after assholes like Emery are finished with them.

  14. carlie says

    “Emery Emery” doesn’t sound like a real name. Wouldn’t Shermer refuse to take money from such an anonymous source, since anonymous sources can’t be trusted?

  15. hotshoe, now with more boltcutters says

    I’m glad I don’t do my nails, because right now I couldn’t look at an emery board without puking.

  16. Al Dente says

    Emery might have a point. After watching DJ Grothe and Ron Lindsay in action, I couldn’t care less if their organizations disappeared. I doubt I’m alone in this.

  17. Moggie says


    “Emery Emery”?

    That sounds like the beginning of a nursery rhyme.

    It makes me think of Humbert Humbert. Shudder.

  18. Randomfactor says

    “Emery Emery”?

    That sounds like the beginning of a nursery rhyme.

    Or a Double Dactyl. Paging Cuttlefish…

    (I remember this clod from before. Real class act. Or ass-crack.)

  19. protect and serve says

    Ophelia, what do you make of ool0n’s recent death threat that he sent to someone on Twitter? Still proud of your tacit approval of him? Oh, and don’t forget his predilection for child abuse images.

    When Yewtree gets him, I’ll personally make sure that you are thoroughly smeared via your association and approval of him. I’m also looking forward to smearing PZ as a sexual harasser, and Lousy Canuck as a rapist. I’ve already bombarded Twitter and Youtube and alerted people to their behaviour. When I’m finished, PZ and Canuck were be viewed as being serial rapists by EVERYBODY in the community.

    Further, you need to be on the lookout for allegations made against you. They are sexual in nature, from what I’ve heard. Take care…


  20. leftwingfox says

    PZ Myers and the FtB feminists have set their sights on skepticism and atheism in general. They clearly want to do harm to the institutions.

    Oddly specific accusations for people set on widespread devastation.

    Even granting enmity between FTB and Shermer, why rape accusations? And why only him?

    If it’s completely spurious, there are plenty of other targets one could accuse. No-one (to my knowledge) is accusing Dawkins or Harris. Or DJ Grothe, Or Lindsay. It’s not like wild accusations of rape are flying left and right.

    The pytters and Radford have been accused of sexism and harrassment, not rape or sexual assault. If Rape was just a casual accusation, would we have accused them all of it by now?

    Hell, most people here seem to like and respect the “Big Name Physicist” who was also named, why throw out such serious charges spuriously? Might as well hit Phil Plait or Neil DeGrasse Tyson, if you wanted to REALLY nuke the “Skeptic Community”. Nothing.

    The idea that PZ is out to get Shermer on a lie is as plausible as Hillary Clinton killing Vince Foster.

  21. tiberiusbeauregard says

    All of that seems to assume complete confidence, even certainty, that Shermer has never sexually harassed anyone

    Do I hear the screeching sound of moving goalposts ?

  22. tiberiusbeauregard says

    Even granting enmity between FTB and Shermer, why rape accusations? And why only him?
    Only him ??? Not really. Please remind yourself how many people were lately accused of misconduct “anonymously” (not) and all that happened shortly after they fell from grace with the FTB loonies.

    You have to be blind not to see the pattern behind this.

  23. leftwingfox says

    You have to be blind not to see the pattern behind this.

    Really? You’ll have to spell it out for me then. Because I only know of two people who were accused “Anonymously” here, and the sources were not anonymous to the people forwarding their stories.

  24. screechymonkey says

    Not to mention, I’m only on the periphery of the “community,” but even I’ve been hearing Shermer mentioned as someone to watch out for long before the Deep Rifts.

  25. Teh kiloGraeme says


    If you’re a British copper, you’re the reason people don’t have trust in the police in this country.

    If you were a British copper, you’d be aware that what you’ve done counts as both threatening behaviour, and intent to defame (see http://www.yourrights.org.uk/yourrights/right-of-free-expression/defamation/defamation-elements-of-a-claim.html) and therefore means you’ll lose both your badge, and your ability to act like a prick with actual authority.

    If you’re a British copper, you’re actually breaching your attestation on here, not that I think you care.

    If you were a British copper, you might know what Yewtree actually is and how it works. For a clue, it’s not a catch all sex crimes investigation, it’s a specific investigation into a specific series of reported sex crimes. Unless you have evidence to support your accusation, fuck off.

    If you’re not a British copper, then fuck off. Don’t try and use the police as a shield. They have enough issues without being associated with douchenozzles like you.

    Either way, you’re a piece of shit. May your floors be always freezing, and your socks and slippers 40 feet away.

  26. says

    @protect-and-serve, bit of a derail but yes I totally threatened to set Beatrix Kiddo on the anonymous Tweep @ElevatorGate. But please remember it was that horrible Heath George wot made me do it yer honour.

    Oh and I did create a fake KickStarter to hire a cyberassassin to take out ElevatorGATE. The comment on Skepdirt that had to “closely” read my parody before realising I was not planning to hire a hitman on Kickstarter is classic,

    I seriously doubt Ophelia’s credibility is in anyway linked to my downfall and imminent imprisonment for credible death threat parodies … But just in case I think she can sleep easy.

    Hey Tuvok/Rich/Franc/Whoever … Last time you said my being sued for libel would bring down FTB, Ophelia and the fascist-feminist conspiracy, what happened. Dog ate yer subpoena?

  27. says

    If you believe what PZ Myers did was wrong

    This is such an interesting way to put it. This, and the text below it, seems to be focused on the act of outing Shermer, not that Shermer didn’t do it and not that it’s wrong because the first person claim is false or made up. This is something I’ve sensed in the “wailing and gnashing of teeth for teh menz” folks:

    1. They seem to realize that the story is likely to be true.
    2. They could care less if that means Shermer is likely a rapist.
    3. They think real harm is that PZ “broke decorum” in outing Shermer, the poor, poor Shermster, living on vodka and cigarettes down on skid row.

    Emery Emery, tell me again who is illogical, who is irrational, who is the bad skeptic?

  28. leftwingfox says

    The comment on Skepdirt that had to “closely” read my parody before realising I was not planning to hire a hitman on Kickstarter is classic,

    Heh, figures. Thanks for the link.

  29. says

    Also, I just had a chuckle about this: Those who think they’re helping Shermer are just tools contributing to the Streisand Effect, even going to the extent that they’re posting images of the C&D letter. I’m sure the intent of the C&D letter wasn’t to have jackasses like Emery Emery parading it around the internet, making the world more aware of the situation. It’s day 13 from being originally posted, day 9 after the C&D letter (which had a two or three days to “take it down” demand?), and the grenade post is still up…

  30. screechymonkey says


    I assume they think that the letter is proof of their imminent triumph, at which FtBers will be dragged in front of them for Tuvok’s amusement, unlimited rice pudding, etc. etc.

    It shouldn’t be surprising that people (who pretend to be) ignorant of the difference between a blog and a court of law would also confuse a lawyer’s cease and desist letter for a judgment of a court.

  31. Stacy says

    It is hilarious that they’re spreading the letter around. (They apparently don’t realize that PZ linked to it as soon as he got it and took it down later–presumably because Shermer’s lawyers don’t want it spread around.)

    Also, lol at EE and his merry band of derps starting a Legal Defense Fund. Shermer would be an absolute idiot to actually follow through with a lawsuit.

  32. Al Dente says

    Martin Wagner @44

    I think it’s more likely the money will, to quote Lewis Carroll’s Hunting of the Snark,

    Softly and suddenly vanish away and never be heard from again.

  33. screechymonkey says

    Unlimited rice pudding, you say, screechymonkey? How often must I spread the C&D letter around to be eligible for this wondrous perk?

    You also need access to the Hand of Omega. (This and the rice pudding are old school Doctor Who references)

  34. Robert B. says

    Well, I think I speak for all of us when I say that destroying institutions is way better than sex.

    It’s even better if you’re queer – we get to destroy institutions by having sex.

  35. Bjarte Foshaug says

    @leftwingfox #28

    The pytters and Radford have been accused of sexism and harassment, not rape or sexual assault.

    Yes he has:

    Then, he saw me at conferences and took every opportunity to place me in a vulnerable position. This is where the psychological abuse turned physical and he sexually assaulted me on several occasions.

  36. Bozjemoj says

    At “unlimited rice pudding” I laughed out loud with an embarrassing snort finale. And I don’t even like rice pudding.

  37. hjhornbeck says

    Hooooo boy:

    “People are asking me about this legal fund set up in my name, if I am aware of it, if it is legit, should they donate?, etc. For the record: I am aware of and completely support this legal fund and deeply appreciate Emery for setting it up and for the people who have donated thus far. I made it clear to Emery when he set it up that the money goes into an account that I have no access to, that my legal bills will be paid out of the fund directly to the law firm representing me, and that if there is any money left over after the case is finished that it be donated by Emery to a nonprofit organization of his choice. If anyone would like to email me directly for confirmation of the above, my email is [email protected], which is posted on our web page http://www.skeptic.com. My reputation is all I have. I did nothing wrong–legally or morally–and I intend to defend myself and prosecute Myers until he issues a retraction and apology, as stated by my attorney.”

    –Michael Shermer

    Looks like I lost a bet on that one.

  38. Anthony K says

    Ohmigosh! The Michael Shermer actually referenced Emery Emery and thanked him by name! There’ll be squeals of delight and swoons in the pit tonight!

    I hear that if you take an actual email by Michael Shermer, print it off, shred it and soak it in water at midnight by the light of Contact playing on a loop, the resulting salve can be used to cure warts, fairy rings, toenail fungus, and Mormonism.

  39. sawells says

    Why does the phrase “legal offence fund” not exist yet? Because that’s what we have here.

    Shermer’s lawyers must be SO happy with his total inability to shut up.

  40. R Johnston says

    “I intend to defend myself and prosecute Myers until he issues a retraction and apology, as stated by my attorney.”

    –Michael Shermer

    Here’s how I imagine that might go:

    I’ve known for years that women warned each other behind the scenes at conventions to avoid being alone with Michael Shermer. Many different women over the past decade have told stories about how he unethically plies women with alcohol, deliberately makes it difficult for them to regulate their alcohol intake, gets them black-out drunk or nearly so while staying stone-cold sober himself, and then rapes them when they’re unable to consent to or resist sex. I’ve heard these stories and it was my responsibility to act on them. I failed. I apologize to all the women who’ve been raped by Michael Shermer while I remained silent for not warning them away from him until I had a first hand account from a victim who requested that I publicize her account. I knew and I did nothing. I do not ask for anyone’s forgiveness; I only promise to do better in the future and not remain silent silent serial rapists like Michael Shermer abuse women.

    Michael Shermer, go fuck yourself.

  41. screechymonkey says

    Ophelia @51:

    It’s interesting – and by “interesting” I mean funny – that he thinks he’s in a position to “prosecute” PZ.

    Are you implying that “prosecute” is only applicable to criminal matters rather than civil? Because that’s not really true. I’ll admit that it’s not a common usage these days in my experience, and is now mostly used when referring to established terms of art like “dismissal for failure to prosecute” or “malicious prosecution,” but it’s not technically wrong in the civil context. (As shown by the fact that both those phrases I just quoted apply to civil actions.)

  42. R Johnston says

    screechmonkey @55: It’s “interesting” that Shermer thinks he’s in position to civilly prosecute PZ. The degree to which he and his lawyers had to lie in the C&D letter was pathetic and obvious, an overt admission that Shermer has no case at all. Good ideas don’t need a plethora of obvious lies told on their behalf to gain support.

    The only thing Shermer’s in a position to prosecute is his own reputation, and he’s doing a bang-up job of tearing that to shreds and making sure it never again sees the light of day.

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