Maybe one day

Seen #INeedMasculismBecause? I saw it on Twitter an hour or two ago and clicked on the hashtag and laughed and laughed, because it’s all full of hilarious jokes by Elyse Anders and Sarah Moglia and Jamie Kilstein and other funny people.

David Futrelle fills us in.

 a bunch of Men’s Rights Redditors and other MRAs, inspired by a post on 4Chan, decided to swarm Twitter with #INeedMasculismBecause tweets in response to the #INeedFeminismBecause hashtag. Feminists responded by outswarming the MRAs, flooding their new hashtag with often quite hilarious parodies of MRAspeak, as well as some just plain ridiculousness.

Here are a few I collected from the top ones.


 There are a lot more.

Update: Well I need to add a few more.



  1. Stacy says

    The guy who created the entire thing admitted that it was an experiment to see how quickly he could cause a dispute on Twitter.

    So he sez. Wouldn’t be the first time an MRA claimed “I was just foolin’!” in order to save face.


  2. says

    It’s hard for me to reconcile these awesome tweets with the “humorless feminist” stereotype. Could it be that the people who don’t get feminism don’t get the funny either?

  3. Acolyte of Sagan says

    I need masculism because… new dictionary wouldn’t be definitive without it.

  4. picklefactory says

    #INeedMasculismBecause anyone whose handle is BEARD FUCKER must win an Internet or three.

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