Over the next couple months I’m going to be making my way from coast to coast. Here’s my current schedule, in case you want to catch one of my talks:
Thousand Oaks, CA
Secular Student Alliance Southern California Leadership Summit
Then my Spring Break Minnesota Tour!
St. Cloud, MN
Secular Student Alliance at St. Cloud State University
Morris, MN
University of Minnesota Morris Freethinkers
Minneapolis, MN
Campus Atheists, Skeptics, and Humanists at the University of Minnesota
Woooooo, partaaaay! …Wait, doesn’t everyone go to Minnesota for spring break? No? Hey, any SSA affiliates in warm states, you know you totally want me to come visit next winter.
I’ll release the specific times and locations for the Minnesota talks once we get closer.
Boston, MA
American Humanist Association Annual Conference
I may have a trip to North and South Carolina thrown in there, but those aren’t completely set in stone yet.
…Yes, I know, I’m crazy. Also, my PhD is going to take 24 years to finish.