
  1. Azkyroth says

    What I want to know is, what sort of natural disaster will all this immodest cat-blogging beget?

  2. stacy says

    What I want to know is, what sort of natural disaster will all this immodest cat-blogging beget?

    Dunno, Azkyroth, but it’s bound to be a Catastrophe.

    (ducks and runs away)

  3. Lauren Ipsum says

    Pixel is clearly an amateur. Our cat Trey knows the correct way to execute this maneuver is to wait until the humans are jointly under a blanket, and then crawl on top of them and sit either in the hammock created by the space between them or sprawl contentedly over both humans’ hips.

  4. carolw says

    When I was newly dating my now-husband, my cat Max would get between us on the couch and stretch as far as he could. He was super jealous. So hubby-to-be bought his love with meat. He is now an equal-opportunity lap cat who is an incorrigible begger.

  5. hippiefemme says

    My cat Nico does this, too. It’s gotten to the point that I don’t really remember what cuddling without cats is like.

  6. kariface says

    My cat has done the same thing ever since we got her back from the animal shelter. Her new nickname is celibacy cat.

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