
  1. Doug Hayden says

    Was remembering a cartoon with the same theme, Jen. Can’t find it now, but in memory, it’s New-Yorker-ish.

  2. Doug Hayden says

    BTW, has your little buddy started kneading the keyboard yet?

    Someone I know has been through a bunch of keyboards due to her cats finding out that a key will fly across the room REAL FAST, and so is fun to chase.

    She got to be *really* good at changing keyboards before she hit on the idea of leaving the screen almost closed.

    Wonderfully cute, though.

  3. magistramarla says

    My husband is working on a PHD. He sits in his recliner with his laptop and his lapcat. His lapcat, Dax, is a 15 pound Maine Coon with seven toes on one front paw and six on all the rest. He literally has thumbs on those front paws, and uses them!
    Those two are inseparable.
    PS – I love the Caturday posts. While I love PZ and his blog, I hate his anti-Caturday drivel.

  4. NateHevens says

    Yes, that is pretty messed up (and way to destroy an awesome song!)… that doesn’t make Caturday and LOLCats bad, though.

    All memes have their embarrassing stuff…

  5. Aquaria says

    Awwwww. What a cutie. They’re so fun at that age.

    We don’t have a laptop, but my tuxedo kitty loves to get right on the keyboard on my husband’s desk, since it’s right by the window she likes to hang out in all day. She will stay there until you pet her long enough. Then she’ll go back to watching Kitty TV.

  6. mac cat guy says

    Awww. <3 Also: thank you for indirectly telling us which ThinkPad you bought. :) I was wondering which model you'd settled on…

  7. hoverfrog says

    :shudder: Horrible things. I can’t stand cats. That probably won’t go down too well, will it?

    I’m much more interesting in why you have The Book of Genesis: Illustrated under your coffee table or in the awesome technology of the Lenova Thinkpad x220i. Also is that an octopus on the arm of the chair?

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