For the third year, I made it through Blogathon! Made it without falling asleep or becoming (completely) deranged. And with your help, we managed to raise over $4,000 for the Secular Student Alliance. How awesome is that?
Thanks to everyone who donated, suggested ideas, spread the word, and kept me company in the comments. And thanks to my friends who helped keep me awake in addition to supplying me with pizza and cookies. In turned into an impromptu party here at La Casa de Blag Hag. You guys are awesome.
I’ll post an official Blogathon total once everyone has a final chance to donate. I think some people were possibly donating based on the content of my posts, so I want them to have time to count up the number of times I said kumquat or whatever they chose to keep track of. Well, hopefully they weren’t looking for the word kumquat, because I didn’t exactly use it very much. But just in case: kumquat, kumquat, kumquat.
…If you still want to donate, you can do so by clicking here or using the widget below.
Adam Lee says
Congratulations! That was well done for a good cause. Plus, just think how nice sleep will feel now. :)
Sam Barnett-Cormack says
Congratulations, well done, and sleep well :)
Biodork says
Woooo-hoo! You’re awesome! Congratulations on your current tally of 160 contributors and $4170.17.
Cass Morrison says
Great job Jen. Good range of topics and comments. Have a good sleep.
SkepticalRedneck says
Yay!This is for you (as if you need it) –
Rishi says
Congratulations!! Fantastic job Jen, though I couldnt stick around for more than a few posts as I got caught up in other things. Anyway, sleep tight, you’ve earned it :)
the_Siliconopolitan says
Nope, sorry. The magic work was “horticulture”.Thank you for playing.
Luis Martínez says
Wow, well done! Have a restful night, you deserve it!
Tom says
Poor Jen. How do I donate sleep to the SSA? BTW Nyan Cat remix?! You are now Queen of the Internet.
jen says
congratulations! you’d be the top fundraiser for blogathon 2011 if it had happened this year.get some sleep!
Ani Sharmin says
Congratulations and Good Night!
RationalCyn says
Congrats, Jen! Wonderful job. I really enjoyed your posts. Needed more LOLCats, though…. Seriously, though, you inspire me.
Alantas says
If only I’d known you’d be doing a blogathon on (what happened to be) my birthday~! Instead I wound up late to the party. :(/me gets caught up on all the posts! (and tries to keep a better eye out for such events in the future!)
MashaEsther says
I would’ve passed out long ago if I tried to do this. Great job :D