This is just a friendly reminder that my 24 hour blogathon for charity starts tomorrow (Sat, July 31) at 8am EST. I’ll be making a new blog post every half hour, which is why you haven’t seen much today – saving up for my 49 posts! We’ve already raised $1,000 for the Secular Student Alliance – double our total from last year – but I know we can do even better.
You can help by spreading the world via blog, twitter, semaphores, or whatever your heart desires. Or you can pledge! Maybe you want to donate for every time I write an especially good post, or whenever I make a bad pun. You get to decide!
The SSA is a fabulous organization that helps atheist, agnostic, and humanist student groups across the country. Among many things, they help provide speakers, fund events and service projects, and provide brochures and aide. If you’re interested in the future of the secular movement, I can’t think of a better organization to support.
Thanks again for your help! I hope you enjoy my increasingly insane sleep-deprived blogging tomorrow. See you bright and early!
Best of luck to you, hope you make loads of moolah.
It always bothers me that there are never historical geek-blurbs about the Battle of Marathon at the beginning of marathons. http://laughinginpurgatory.blo…
I’m *crazy* looking forward to this. This kind of real-time, participatory event is what the Internet is all about, yo.That and sharing datasets between researches at different universities.
Well, I paid upfront, but as I said I’ll spit in a bit more, if you use the secret word (or draw pr0n of the secret word).I just got paid! (Now I just need to do the work …)
I’m sooooo stoked for this!… just cut me some slack if I don’t show up until your 9th post or so. It’s a Saturday and I’m in California; I think I’m allowed to sleep in until 9 :P
Yeah, sticking with it the whole 24 hours won’t work for me either. There’s this totally wicked-awesome yard sale going on not far from here, and I gotta check that shit out, yo.
And sharing baby pics.