August will be amazing

It’s official! I’ll be attending the Secular Student Alliance conference in Columbus, OH from August 7th to the 9th and I’ll be joining PZ in his visit to the Creation Museum on that Friday. Wooo! I’m pretty sure this will be the most amazing trip to the Creation Museum ever, so I’m super excited. Totally going to get a photo of me riding a dinosaur and then sobbing in front of the evolution exhibits.

You don’t need to be a member or a student to go to the SSA conference or the Creation Museum trip. Midwestern people, you totally need to come. I mean, I’ll be there. …Well, okay, more importantly PZ and Hemant and Dan Barker will be there. I just like to think I’m that important.

If you can’t come, you should at least think about donating to the SSA. It’ll help counteract the money we’re giving Ken Ham.


  1. says

    I'm seriously thinking about making the trip. 3 hours from West Lafayette isn't too bad. The only problem is that my wife is out of town then, so I need to think about whether or not my kids (8 and 11) would mind being dragged along.

    If anyone in the Purdue/Indianapolis area would be interested in riding along (I have a Sienna minivan), email me at [email protected] – it might just push me over the edge to "yes."

    BeamStalk: If you want to get to gether at TAM7 and compare notes (over a beer, of course), email me or message me on Twitter:

  2. says

    I’m seriously thinking about making the trip. 3 hours from West Lafayette isn’t too bad. The only problem is that my wife is out of town then, so I need to think about whether or not my kids (8 and 11) would mind being dragged along.If anyone in the Purdue/Indianapolis area would be interested in riding along (I have a Sienna minivan), email me at [email protected] – it might just push me over the edge to “yes.”BeamStalk: If you want to get to gether at TAM7 and compare notes (over a beer, of course), email me or message me on Twitter:

  3. Grant Gordon says

    I'm so jealous! Would love to be able to go, but you know, 12000km is a long way, and kinda difficult to drive across the Atlantic. Ah well, guess I'll just have to read about it on your's and and PZ's blogs… Hope you have lots of fun! :D

  4. Grant Gordon says

    I’m so jealous! Would love to be able to go, but you know, 12000km is a long way, and kinda difficult to drive across the Atlantic. Ah well, guess I’ll just have to read about it on your’s and and PZ’s blogs… Hope you have lots of fun! :D

  5. Falyne, FCD says

    My summer schedule:

    July 21: Diff Eq final in NYC; done with undergrad forever! Woo!July 23-26: San Diego Comic-ConJuly 28-Aug. 8: Pennsic War, north of Pittsburgh.

    I was really, really, really, REALLY darn tempted by the creation museum trip (and, hey! I'd be closer in Pittsburgh than I usually am in NYC!), but I know I'll be a wreck after packing my giant freakin' medieval pavilion. Last time I brought a LOT less stuff (and only a small tent), and still basically fell over dead after a 3 hour drive back to school. Trying for five hours would, well, be a bad idea.

    I'm crazy enough to do crazy things, but going from a bad final to Pennsic by way of SDCC in the course of a week is… my limit. Or beyond.

  6. Falyne, FCD says

    My summer schedule:July 21: Diff Eq final in NYC; done with undergrad forever! Woo!July 23-26: San Diego Comic-ConJuly 28-Aug. 8: Pennsic War, north of Pittsburgh.I was really, really, really, REALLY darn tempted by the creation museum trip (and, hey! I’d be closer in Pittsburgh than I usually am in NYC!), but I know I’ll be a wreck after packing my giant freakin’ medieval pavilion. Last time I brought a LOT less stuff (and only a small tent), and still basically fell over dead after a 3 hour drive back to school. Trying for five hours would, well, be a bad idea.I’m crazy enough to do crazy things, but going from a bad final to Pennsic by way of SDCC in the course of a week is… my limit. Or beyond.

  7. Lauren says

    Argh. I can't make the PZ/Creation Museum trip because of work, otherwise I'd suggest we carpool. I am medium-number percent sure that I'm going.

  8. Lauren says

    Argh. I can’t make the PZ/Creation Museum trip because of work, otherwise I’d suggest we carpool. I am medium-number percent sure that I’m going.

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