I live in a red state in the Midwest so Christianity is hard to escape. You hear it everywhere – the workplace, standing in line at the grocery store, the doctor’s office, etc.
I once had an OBGYN reference the bible. That’s the last person I want preaching to me. You better believe that was my last appointment with her.
People bring up god openly and it is generally accepted. Christians around here aren’t afraid to talk – but I am and it pisses me off.
When I hear someone pushing religion it makes me really uncomfortable. I get angry and I can’t get it out of my head.
People tell me to let it go and be more accepting, but I can’t. It’s just not right. I can’t be the only one who feels uncomfortable, yet our voices go unheard.
Writing is my voice and sadly, the things I write on my blog I only discuss with my husband. The rest of the people in my personal life wouldn’t really be open to it.
But there is one exception. When I was promoting my poetry book, I spoke with many atheist and humanist groups. They were from all over and surprisingly, some were in my own backyard.
So I know I’m not alone – but how do I deal with the anger?
So many injustices and evils are rooted in religion so while someone saying “god is good” in the checkout lane may seem innocent, it really bothers me. How can something so wrong be so widely accepted?
So many Christians were just “raised that way” so maybe people truly don’t know what they’re supporting. Should I forgive their ignorance?
I know we are all humans just trying to get by but I also know the world would be a better place without religion. Even “innocent” comments out in the community perpetuate injustices and evils.
My anger is valid and justified but how do I keep it from eating me up inside?
Are you angry, too? How do you deal with it? Or maybe we can just commiserate together. Has anyone’s anger led to change? I would love to hear stories.