Steam Powered Giraffe – Brass Goggles. And…
Steam Powered Giraffe – Malfunction, with Rabbit after her transition.
Steam Powered Giraffe – Brass Goggles. And…
Steam Powered Giraffe – Malfunction, with Rabbit after her transition.
Pain – Shut Your Mouth. Brilliant.
If you want to do something a bit different, consider Soul Cakes. There’s a good recipe here. Rather than go with carving pumpkins, why not give the traditional turnip a go?
And the latest issue of Medievalist has a costume idea:
A Plague Victim.
It’s easy costume to prepare: – use beet juice rubbed on your face to create a flushed look. Buboes can easily be made from bread dough – use honey to attach to your underarms. Wear an old dress or other clothing you don’t mind getting dirty – this way you can fall to the floor groaning dramatically. You can take advantage of the conflicting theories about the black death and, when caught eating, claim an enormous appetite is a common symptom. You can throw your ‘buboes ’ at people, both delighting them at your humour and disgusting them at the same time!
Edited to add: I’d have a blast with that – I’d probably go with ready to bake biscuit dough, paint the outside with food colouring, then make a hole to pour in slightly whipped cream, tinted green and yellow with food colouring, then pinched mostly closed. If you threw one of those at someone, you could properly make them scream! :D
The Correspondents – Fear & Delight. Lyrics at the link.
A Pale Horse Named Death – Die Alone.
Sometimes you wake up and your world is swallowed up
Sometimes your world changes overnight
Sometimes the ones you love betray you
Sometimes you find yourself all alone
My life has fallen apart so many times I lost count
So many people I knew, now they are all lost
One thing is guaranteed you always die alone
Sometimes you want to put a gun to your head
Sometimes you want to pull the trigger, now you’re dead
Sometimes we cry ourselves to sleep
Sometimes you find yourself all alone
My life has fallen apart so many times I lost count
So many people I knew, now they are all lost
One thing is guaranteed you always die alone
Nightmares become real inside my head, I dream of my death
My life has fallen apart so many times I lost count
So many people I knew, now they are all lost
One thing is guaranteed you always die alone
Ciara – Paint It Black – UPD Crew. Note: If you’re one of those asses who just has to moan about how this is horrible, how can you do that to a ‘classic’, save that bullshit for somewhere else. I fucking love this cover.