The Indiana Republican Party had the bright idea to set up their FB to ask constituents for their ACA horror stories, but it backfired most spectacularly. There was plenty of horror, but it was splattered all over those rethuglicans who though they were being so clever.
The Indiana Republican Party has requested that the state’s constituents share their “horror stories” with ObamaCare, the Indianapolis Star reported Tuesday.
“What’s your Obamacare horror story? Let us know,” the GOP party wrote in a Facebook post as it sought to collect negative stories about the Affordable Care Act, such as higher premiums or insurance companies leaving the market.
Many of the people respondents, however, flooded them with stories about how the healthcare law has positively affected their lives.
“My sister finally has access to affordable quality care and treatment for her diabetes,” one person wrote, according to the news outlet.
“My father’s small business was able to insure its employees for the first time ever. #thanksObama,” another said.
Another person claimed that “the only horror in the story is that Republicans might take it away.”
Rethugs should seriously give up on the trying to be clever business, it never works out. The Hill has the story.
In yet an even more embarrassing move by the GOP geniuses, they decided to tweet out what they thought were cutting remarks and questions to assorted democrats, asking them where their healthcare plan was. In this effort, they included the Clintons, neither of whom hold office at the moment. I would have thought that much hadn’t escaped them. Naturally, the Twitterati have been merciless, if more than a bit exasperated. Raw Story has the full story and assorted tweets.