Oh, the war on xmas, it be won! It’s the Trump effect! People can say merry christmas again! :eyeroll: The dumbfuckery of this is overwhelming. Who gives a fuck if you want to say merry xmas or have a safe and sane saturnalia? All this crap, yet another attempt by idiotic christians to pretend they are long-suffering martyrs who are oh-so-persecuted. Everyone in the world isn’t an exclusive asshole like we are! *sob*.
This morning on “Breitbart News Daily,” host Alex Marlow spoke with Williams about international issues and the White House tree lighting ceremony. Marlow asked Williams if there was “more for the president to be doing” to promote Christmas, to which Williams responded that he hopes the Trump administration continues the work it’s doing because “people were really fed up with the war on Christmas that we’ve seen over the last few years and really during the entire Obama years.”
“Part of the swing toward populism, toward nationalism, is also a swing toward religion and a recovery of some sort of Christian identity, the importance of faith. And I think that we’re seeing more public expressions of that,” Williams continued. “There are the new tallies on Christmas card sales and things, and ‘Merry Christmas’ is blowing away ‘Happy Holidays’—you know, these kind of whitewashed greetings from past years are looking more and more like a thing of the past.”
Your christian identity and the importance of your faith is dependent on a commercial holiday greeting? Puddles have more depth than you sanctimonious hypocrites. I grew up in the 1960s and 1970s, and Happy Holidays and Season’s Greetings were quite popular back then. I don’t remember anyone having shit fits and compleat meltdowns over it. There’s room for a whole host of holiday greetings and sentiments. In our house, we have Ratmas and Cephalopodmas, none of which is taken seriously. It’s a silly holiday, it should be fun. I’m not twisting in the wind because you christians are ignoring Brumalia, and will ignore the upcoming Saturnalia. Also, most christians are well aware that your precious Jesus wasn’t born on the 25th December.
“So what I’m seeing, and I’m very delighted with, is people are more overtly expressive of their own faith and religiosity, and that’s part of the Trump effect,” Williams said.
Marlow said he agreed and thought there has been a “substantial war on Christmas.” He also alluded to a newfound “war on Thanksgiving” taking place in which liberals want to “ruin Thanksgiving for us.” He expanded that he thought it was interesting that liberals want to destroy holidays that feature religious components.
Since when is ‘thanksgiving’ religious? It’s people stuffing their faces and watching sportsball. Granted, those things are near religious in Ustates. I have no love for fucking liberals when it comes to ‘thanksgiving’ either, because if they wanted to do something, they’d give up their day of overeating in favour of the National Day of Mourning, seriously boosting the voices of indigenous peoples. They could also stop patting themselves on the back for having their “giving Tuesday” the week after their food and shopping overindulgence. You should be fucking ashamed of yourselves.
Williams said the wars on Christmas and Thanksgiving are “a real globalist push from certain Americans on the left.”
Excuse me? The ‘thanksgiving’ disease is Amerikkan, and like most diseases, has infected other countries, but certainly not all. There’s no war. Much like your god, your holiday wars are all in your head.
Via RWW.