Yer Not Trad!

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A few days ago, we had a bunch of drunk nazis singing about trad [traditional] women. Today, we have two white supremacist women who sing praises to trad women being taken down by the audience they cater to, because it turns out, they aren’t trad.

Lauren Southern, a conservative activist and media personality who is frequently praised by the alt-right sympathizers on YouTube and 4chan, thought it was necessary to explain to her viewers earlier this month why she was not married and did not have children despite being one of the most prominent new media voices promoting “traditionalist” lifestyles where women marry early and are relegated to housekeeping and child-rearing.


“I don’t usually respond to comments because in my opinion comments don’t represent what I say, however I have gotten so many comments lately that have misinterpreted the message  I’m trying to put out there that it’s gotten to a point where unfortunately I think I do need to address it,” Southern said, going on to explain that she is not married at 22 years old for many of the same reasons other women do not get married in their early 20s and that it would actually be “degenerate” of her to get married right now.

Southern described the attacks against her as “shocking” and “insane,” which is a bit odd given that she has conditioned her audience with video after video promoting traditionalism among women, mocking women who are happy being single, attempting to embarrass protesters marching for women’s rights, among other generally anti-social-justice messages. When her most ideologically devoted fans tested her commitment to the views she espouses, Southern conceded that she speaks in “generalities.”

Shocking! Insane! It’s very difficult for me to believe any of this could actually come as a shock. I suppose a person could put themselves in an intentional bubble, parroting evil shit to make money, without paying attention to their audience. I seriously doubt this is the case, though. These women had to know the sort of views their audience had and supported, and that their audience is highly misogynistic.

As for the hypocrisy, well, that’s nothing new. “Do as I say, not as I do.”

Tara McCarthy, a YouTube pundit who describes herself as an ethno-nationalist and a member of the alt-right, has been facing similar attacks. McCarthy received so many comments attacking her for not having children that she locked her Twitter account right after posting that she was going to “take a break from Twitter because I need to think without being inundated by notifications.”

Tara McCarthy: I had no idea that the Alt Right was a designated ‘male space’ but at this rate I’ll happily leave the Alt Right. I have no desire to stick around in a place where I am unwanted.

She was responding to #DSA Melancholia: Oh look, another slit trying to police male spaces.

Slit. There’s lovely language for you.

Last year, McCarthy and her husband were outed by the YouTube vegan community as insane racists, spurring a backlash that forced McCarthy to delete her channel. Since then, McCarthy has created a newer YouTube presence to provide a platform for white supremacist activists who openly identify as neo-Nazis, such as Greg Johnson and Andrew Anglin, to advocate that women produce as many white children as possible, and to decry feminism and encourage women to get married early.

It’s easier for me to believe McCarthy is in a self-made bubble, doing whatever she can to gain a following and monetize whatever she goes on about. Even so, it can’t be any sort of surprise that the ‘alt-right’ takes a dim view of women in general, relegating them to background, doing all those trad things: poppin’ out babies, and hanging out in the kitchen, cooking for those hard working nazis.

RWW has video and a tonne of links.

War on Christmas: Won!!1!

The Cephalopodmas Tree. © C. Ford.

Oh, the war on xmas, it be won! It’s the Trump effect! People can say merry christmas again! :eyeroll: The dumbfuckery of this is overwhelming. Who gives a fuck if you want to say merry xmas or have a safe and sane saturnalia? All this crap, yet another attempt by idiotic christians to pretend they are long-suffering martyrs who are oh-so-persecuted. Everyone in the world isn’t an exclusive asshole like we are! *sob*.

This morning on “Breitbart News Daily,” host Alex Marlow spoke with Williams about international issues and the White House tree lighting ceremony. Marlow asked Williams if there was “more for the president to be doing” to promote Christmas, to which Williams responded that he hopes the Trump administration continues the work it’s doing because “people were really fed up with the war on Christmas that we’ve seen over the last few years and really during the entire Obama years.”

“Part of the swing toward populism, toward nationalism, is also a swing toward religion and a recovery of some sort of Christian identity, the importance of faith. And I think that we’re seeing more public expressions of that,” Williams continued. “There are the new tallies on Christmas card sales and things, and ‘Merry Christmas’ is blowing away ‘Happy Holidays’—you know, these kind of whitewashed greetings from past years are looking more and more like a thing of the past.”

Your christian identity and the importance of your faith is dependent on a commercial holiday greeting? Puddles have more depth than you sanctimonious hypocrites. I grew up in the 1960s and 1970s, and Happy Holidays and Season’s Greetings were quite popular back then. I don’t remember anyone having shit fits and compleat meltdowns over it. There’s room for a whole host of holiday greetings and sentiments. In our house, we have Ratmas and Cephalopodmas, none of which is taken seriously. It’s a silly holiday, it should be fun. I’m not twisting in the wind because you christians are ignoring Brumalia, and will ignore the upcoming Saturnalia. Also, most christians are well aware that your precious Jesus wasn’t born on the 25th December.

“So what I’m seeing, and I’m very delighted with, is people are more overtly expressive of their own faith and religiosity, and that’s part of the Trump effect,” Williams said.

Marlow said he agreed and thought there has been a “substantial war on Christmas.” He also alluded to a newfound “war on Thanksgiving” taking place in which liberals want to “ruin Thanksgiving for us.” He expanded that he thought it was interesting that liberals want to destroy holidays that feature religious components.

Since when is ‘thanksgiving’ religious? It’s people stuffing their faces and watching sportsball. Granted, those things are near religious in Ustates. I have no love for fucking liberals when it comes to ‘thanksgiving’ either, because if they wanted to do something, they’d give up their day of overeating in favour of the National Day of Mourning, seriously boosting the voices of indigenous peoples. They could also stop patting themselves on the back for having their “giving Tuesday” the week after their food and shopping overindulgence. You should be fucking ashamed of yourselves.

Williams said the wars on Christmas and Thanksgiving are “a real globalist push from certain Americans on the left.”

Excuse me? The ‘thanksgiving’ disease is Amerikkan, and like most diseases, has infected other countries, but certainly not all. There’s no war. Much like your god, your holiday wars are all in your head.

Via RWW.

Sunday Facepalm.

Today we have Judy Reyher, a Colorado repub who was recently appointed to the state legislature. Ms. Reyher has some all too common views.

The Denver Post reports that Judy Reyher posted multiple offensive statements and memes on her Facebook page, including one that questioned why Muslims would come to the United States if they “hate pork, beer, bikinis, Jesus and freedom of speech.”

Hateful bigots always come up with the oddest assortment of words in their pitiful attempts to paint Amerikka. Pork, beer, bikinis, Jesus, freedom of speech. Wow, that’s more than a bit of a mess. A lot of people aren’t into pork, and they aren’t insulted and ostracized for it. A lot of people don’t care for beer. Bikinis? What the fuck, Ms. Reyher? It really couldn’t have been all that difficult to come up with something somewhat relevant. A lot of christians are into modest swimwear, and have no use for bikinis. Oh, and you know, women who happen to be muslim go to the beach, too, and their beach gear is along the same lines as christian modest, perhaps not quite as severe.

I have  no use for Jesus, and I wish all those who yak about that particular god all the time would shut the fuck up, and mind their own business. Once again: Judaism, Islam, Christianity, all based on the same damn books. Same god, different interpretations. I think by now everyone knows that “freedom of speech” is bigot code for “I can’t yell hate speech all over the place without people reacting! Woe is me! I am so persecuted!”

Reyher also questioned the authenticity of former President Barack Obama’s birth certificate, and subsequently told the Denver Post that “the black community and the Democrats are the most racist group of people that exist,” while also claiming that black people “hate white people with a passion.”

Oh dear. No, black people don’t hate white people with a passion. I might be reaching that point though. White people suck at listening, and they really truly suck at coming to terms with their privilege and sense of entitlement, to everything. If you’re going to go around assuming people of colour hate you, and behave as though they do, you certainly aren’t giving them much reason to consider you kindly.

“I would like to apologize for the comments or posts on Facebook that have been found offensive and racist,” she wrote to the newspaper. “However, the fact of the matter is, I am not a racist. This country was founded by immigrants, and I embrace all Americans, no matter their walk of life. Diversity is what makes America, America.”

Oh yes, you are racist, Ms. Reyher. Very much so. Announced it, actually. This country was already founded and occupied when you all decided to steal it. Oh sure, diversity makes Amerikka, after all, there are just so many shades of white, right?

Via RawStory.

oooOOOoo Liberal Lesbian Brain Eating Dominatrix ooOOOooo.

Aristotle and his lover Phyllis. Phyllis is riding on the great philosopher, which is used to symbolize the power of the women. C. 1515.

Oh, batshit does not even come close to covering what’s to follow. Before we delve into the overwhelming bonnaconshit of Alex Jones, a bit of clarification about the word Dominatrix.

Dominatrix is the feminine form of the Latin dominator, a ruler or lord, and was originally used in a non-sexual sense. Its use in English dates back to at least 1561. Its earliest recorded use in the prevalent modern sense, as a female dominant in S&M, dates to 1967. […] The profession appears to have originated as a specialization within brothels, before becoming its own unique craft. As far back as the 1590s, flagellation within an erotic setting is recorded. The profession features in erotic prints of the era, such as the British Museum mezzotint “The Cully Flaug’d” (c. 1674–1702), and in accounts of forbidden books which record the flogging schools and the activities practised. You can read more here. Thus ends sanity…

I don’t think Alex Jones believes so much as a fraction of all the delusional, conspiracy theories he pushes so hard, but whether or not he does, enough people who listen to him do swallow it all whole, and that’s bad enough. I’d be willing to bet, given this most recent, um, screed, that Jones is relying on his audience to be people who don’t read much, if at all. I did not watch the video, and I’m not going to, it’s difficult enough reading this nonsense, and I give great credit to the team at RWW who do watch these things.

On today’s Infowars broadcast, Jones claimed that “most of the so-called liberal lesbians” are women who want men with a “duck’s ass haircut and the James Dean outfit” to physically slap them around, and that if they can’t find men who fit the bill, they will turn to women who do.

“Most of these butch lesbians, they want to be the guy smacking the hot chick around. They think that’s manly. And a lot of the chicks, they like it, see, because no man will do that to them, and I’m not saying it’s good if a man does that, but some women like it. And if they can’t find a man to smack them around, well they found them a girl gonna do it real good—knock them upside their head and have ‘50 Shades of Grey’ about the sexy rich guy that’s going to chain you up,” Jones said.

Could we please dispense with the idiotic stereotypes, pleeeaaase? I don’t think it ever dawns on people like Jones that the stuff they come up with says more about them than anyone else. I guess Jones has a thing for James Dean. There are a whole lot of people who did not read or watch 50 Shades of Grey, and it did not portray BDSM correctly, to say the least. There was a great deal of conflating BDSM with abusive behaviour. [I did not read it; I did read reviews.] I can easily imagine Jones reading such dreck, and thinking it was all Trufax. Note Jones’s weaseling about when it comes to a man smacking a woman around. “It wouldn’t be good if a man did it, but y’know, some women like it!”

“Of course, you’re gonna go get chained up one time. They’re gonna put that devil mask or that piggy mask on. They’re gonna say, ‘Now I’m gonna torture you for about six weeks, so start begging for your mommy and your daddy.’ That’s the liberals. They want to get you in a dungeon. They want to strap you down and take a buzz saw and cut the top of your head off like a pumpkin and pull it off and get a little spoon and go, when you’re looking in the mirror—this is one thing I know they like to do—they go ‘I’m going to eat your brain now.’”

Jones then devolved into an impression of his imagined liberal lesbian dominatrix torturing a captor that is difficult to explain.

“Let’s start at the side areas here, because we don’t want to take away your sight at the back or your thinking in the front. I’m gonna eat your cerebral cortex last,” Jones said, beginning to scream in his studio.

Yeah, no. I am pretty sure that Jones lifted all this from Thomas Harris’s novel Hannibal. That book has scary pigs, a lesbian bodybuilder, and brain eating. Now in the book, the prefrontal cortex is eaten, so Jones changed that up a bit, while displaying a complete ignorance of brain anatomy. I have to say, I’m a bit disappointed the screed did not explain where all the corpses ended up. That’s not the way to do good narrative. Could have done a soylent green thing or something.

Jones then devolved into an impression of his imagined liberal lesbian dominatrix torturing a captor that is difficult to explain.

“Let’s start at the side areas here, because we don’t want to take away your sight at the back or your thinking in the front. I’m gonna eat your cerebral cortex last,” Jones said, beginning to scream in his studio.

“I’ve got power. I love Satan,” Jones yelled, growing louder and louder. “And I’m gonna suck you dry and I’m going to torture you to death. And you’re going to follow my liberal orders, and you’re going to talk like I talk, and you’re going to be guilty when I say you’re guilty. And you’re gonna bow to me.”

Sigh. C’mon, there’s got to be a little bit of plausibility somewhere. Just how is anyone going to follow orders, liberal or no, and talk like they talk if they are missing mass amounts of their brain, and then being tortured to death? Honestly, there’s no point there. That is not any way to go about getting yourself a bunch of liberal slaves. And, it’s a bad story, dude. Really bad. Unfortunately, I imagine Jones’s audience isn’t terribly keen on all thinking business.

There’s video at RWW, if you want the full performance.

A Nod To Lunacy.

Liz “Red Shoes” Crokin is at it again, and oh my. This is a descent into, well, I’m not altogether sure. This morning, PZ posted about a bit of conspiracy laden irrationality from a site called MAGA Pill, which Red Shoes is all excited about as well, because the Tiny Tyrant tweeted this nuttery, which according to her, is a confirmation of all things bugfuck. In a tweet (which can be seen at RWW), she wrote:

President Trump legitimizes Q anon & child sex trafficking! The storm is HERE!!

That left me nonplussed, because I had no idea of what Q anon might be, and of course, her method of writing could easily be taken another way altogether. She’s also quite prone to overusing emojis, which I can’t stand. I’m just going to excerpt a rather small amount here, because there’s only so much batshit I can cope with this early in the day. Or any other time of day. First, some clarification about the Q-anon business:

Crokin said that she had long suspected that an anonymous poster known only as “Q” who posts seemingly insider information about Trump and his administration on 4Chan forum boards may in fact be Trump himself and/or one of his high-ranking advisers. Those who follow Q’s posts are said to be “following the white rabbit” and Crokin excitedly claimed that Trump’s MAGA Pill tweet was confirmation of Q’s insider status and the accuracy of his information.

Ah well, what could possibly be more legitimate than 4Chan? FFS, this level of credulity is near to unbelievable. This is way beyond any sort of honest gullibility, this is the willful embrace of a terrible irrationality. To give an example, some of the ‘insider info’ includes assassination attempts. Maybe it’s just me, but I’m pretty sure journalists would be jumping all over such a thing. Even if you posit a thorough hush hush cover up, does anyone honestly think that Trump would be capable of keeping his mouth shut? The man suffers from severe verbal and twitter diarrhea.

“Here is why this matters,” Crokin said. “I know for a fact that President Trump doesn’t just retweet random accounts. He vets all the people that he retweets, he vets websites that he retweets, he has his people look into these people, he has his people look into these accounts and their websites. There is absolutely no way in hell President Trump didn’t know that @MAGAPILL promotes the white rabbit, promotes Q, has been following Q. There is no way that President Trump didn’t know that MAGA Pill’s pinned tweet was a video of me—sorry, Hillary—talking about Hillary Clinton’s sex tape.”

“President Trump is very thorough,” she continued. “He is very sophisticated and he is very strategic and everything that he does has multiple meanings and he drops clues and messages and hidden messages all the time. That is how he operates, alright?

Holy shit. How does anyone willingly disconnect themselves so much from reality? Trump doesn’t vet a fucking thing. He wouldn’t have the slightest clue how to do that, not properly anyway. He also doesn’t know how to do one damn thing on the net; it’s long been disclosed that Melania does all the net trawling for what people might be saying about him, he doesn’t even know how to use e-mail. He knows how to tweet. On his phone. That’s it.

Thorough? Sophisticated? Strategic? :chokes on tea: Oh, I don’t think so. I’m afraid the Tiny Tyrant is none of those things, and reality based people are well aware of it. He’s a fuckin’ moron. A willfully ignorant one.

So I firmly believe President Trump retweeting @MAGAPILL was a nod to MAGA Pill, was a nod to myself, was a nod to literally all the people that go on 4Chan, all the people that have been following the white rabbit, all the people that have been talking about Q, all the people that have been exposing pedogate, Pizzagate, child sex-trafficking, Uranium One, you name it. This was a nod to us, this was a nod to this community, this was President Trump giving us a thumbs-up.”

My, my, my. No. The Tiny Tyrant is, at best, only marginally aware of the larger world, or what’s going on at any given time, if it’s not focused on himself. He tweeted that nonsense because he thought it was about his “accomplishments”, and he’s a sucker for that sort of thing, which has been confirmed over and over and over and over and over again. He’ll swallow any ineffable twaddle if someone labels it “Tiny Tyrant’s accomplishments”, of which, there have been none, unless you wish to count all the destruction he’s wrought. I suppose that’s an accomplishment.

“That was his way of letting us know that Q is real,” Crokin said, “and I also believe that this is his way of letting us know Pizzagate is real, the child sex-trafficking is real and, yeah, those disgusting sex tapes exist.”

There may well be sex tapes somewhere, and they may well concern the Tiny Tyrant. Is his behaviour not disgusting enough as it stands? I’m not exactly happy to have a rapist and serial sexual assaulter in office. The only pizza anything which is real is actual pizza, which is often delicious. It’s no secret that child sex trafficking is real, and that very little is done about it. As to claims that the Clintons are involved, all I have there is a somewhat despairing laugh, that idiots such as yourself are so invested in your beliefs.

This is obviously willful irrationality, but it’s running headlong into willful insanity, with the rush to openly embrace paranoia, delusions, and the most threadbare ‘connections’ in the attempt to create a massive platform of conspiracy. Politics is a dirty game, and that’s no secret either. There’s more than enough bad and fuck ups to go around, without creating this sort of lunacy, and welcoming it, as you plunge headlong down your rabbit hole.

There’s more at RWW, including video, if you so desire.

Melting! We’re Melting!

Let’s see:

Using “badge politics”, censoring those who don’t worship twitter’s liberal dictator, & implementing procedures to annihilate conservatives from the Internet?

Sounds like twitter is carrying out its own “final solution” for conservatives.

And so it begins. Twitter is quick to call me and others Nazis, but they are literally trying to eradicate my presence. Just like Hitler.

Twitter is uh, cracking down on hateful tweeters (not the Tiny Tyrant, natch), by removing their little checkmark. Yeah, that will show them. While I can’t say I think much of this ‘action’, it’s certainly upsetting the conservanazi crowd. Laura Loomer says Using “badge politics”. If that little checkmark didn’t mean anything to you Ms. Loomer, why on earth did you pursue it so hard? You claim Twitter is ‘annihilating’ conservatives, literally trying to eradicate your presence. Going by your checkmark free tweets, that has not been accomplished in the slightest. Perhaps you should save your hyperbole for a time when Twitter actually does something, like ban your account.

All the checkmarkless nazirati are having fits, as if this truly impacts their ability to spread their bigotry, hate, and fear. Perhaps it does, and if so, good. You can read many of the linked tweets of the nazirati at RWW.

“It’s all just girls, girls, girls playing politics,”

The conservatears of rage and bewilderment are flowing over recent election results. Naturally, it’s all us evil female types who are to blame, and the wimpy excuses for men who allow us to vote. It’s the ruination of Amerikka! Really truly.

CRTV commentator Gavin McInnes, who also leads the bizarre, misogynistic “Proud Boys”* fraternity, said that the historic electionof several openly transgender people to state and local offices earlier this week can be blamed on men allowing women to vote.

More on this absurd Proud Boy nonsense later.

On yesterday’s episode of “Get Off My Lawn,” McInnes was joined by Gateway Pundit’s White House reporter Lucian Wintrich, who joined him in attributing major Republican losses to Democrats campaigning on “identity politics” by putting forward diverse candidates. They went on to attribute the election of transgender people, including Virginia state assembly candidate Danica Roem, to women’s ability to vote.

“The liberals say, ‘Maybe we should give up on identity politics,’ but you look at all the Sikhs and black people and trans who won in this election and all these unprecedented cases. It had nothing to do with policy. It was all identity politics,” McInnes said.

No, it’s not liberals who are all tangled up in “identity politics”. You’re confusing us inclusive types with the white nationalist nazis. Very different groups, so try to get it right. Sikhs, black people, transgender people, oh my! Why the sky will fall any moment, I’m sure. This would be known as having representatives on all levels who actually reflect the make up of our society. Old white men don’t represent most of us, and if they are going to faint at having to work with people of colour and women, perhaps they should retire. Go fishin’ or something.

He continued, “I was looking at those two trannies who won. There’s no substance there at all. And I think it’s because we let women vote. Women have been voting now based on their ‘feels’ for many years. They brought us Obama, no substance.”

Just have to be disrespectful, don’t you? Transgender people. Or y’know, just people. Or women. Or, and this is really radical – the descriptor of their choice. This woman votes on issues, and emotion is not dirty word, you fucking idiot. Perhaps you wouldn’t be so hung up if you allowed your self to feel something other than anger and aggrieved entitlement, Mr. McInnes. No substance? Hahahahahahahahaha. Oh, I think we know where all the substanceless hot air is residing.

“It’s all just girls, girls, girls playing politics,” McInnes said.

And loving it. You’re just going to have to suck it up, Mr. McInnes, we aren’t leaving the playing field now.  So you know though, it’s women. We aren’t children.

Wintrich said he wanted to know when liberals would realize that “playing the intersectionality game to elect people” results in “terrible people that are ruining the country.”

We aren’t playing a game. It’s a hell of a lot of work, getting people woke, and using their vote to accomplish progress and positive change. Intersectionality is not a game, it’s vital to having a healthy society. So is inclusion. Granted, this ‘1950s ideal’ you morons clutch might be finally staked into its grave, and that’s a good thing. A very good thing.

“I’m excited to see how badly this tranny actually fucks up Virginia,” Wintrich said.

We don’t need to know what gives you a boner, Mr. Wintrich. Truly. I have no doubt Ms. Roem will not fuck up Virginia in the least, and will probably help Virginia a great deal. As I recall, she was focused on traffic issues, which the citizens of Virginia are also concerned with, so let her get on with her job, you nasty little doucheweasel.

The full mess, with video, is at RWW. Now, about that Proud Boy nonsense…

[Read more…]

That Explains A Lot…

Nicole Wallace re-visited Trumpholes one year after the election, and this is part of what she heard:

“We always see the Harrison Fords that play the president who is tough, punches the bad guy in the face. Now we have one of those people and he is going to get things done and I think it is good,” Lock explained.

That explains a lot. These fucking idiots think government is a movie. They also seem to think that the Tiny Tyrant is a real life movie hero. When, exactly, has Donny gone around ferreting out the bad guys and punching them? Talk about being seriously out of touch with reality.

Raw Story has the full article.

“It’s Okay To Be White.”


All us lefties are going to start foaming at the mouth, wilt, and just give up in the face of It’s Okay To Be White. Odd, but I don’t feel a swoon coming one, and my monocle is unpopped.

In right-wing internet message boards, users are encouraging one another to print and hang posters that state simply “It’s OK to be white” with the goal of exposing what they claim is anti-white racism in liberal communities and on college campuses.

Creators of the signs were first inspired by a news report that police were investigating fliers hung at Boston College that depicted Uncle Sam and the text, “I want you to love who you are” and “Don’t apologize for being white.” Reporters noted that the signs were posted near the planned location of an anti-racism rally on campus.

Earlier this week, 4chan users called on one another to hang fliers in their own communities with a more succinct spin on the Boston signs, making the statement “It’s Okay To Be White” in large easy-to-read font with no other context. One post detailing the plan explained the goal was to make liberals go “completely berserk” and ruin their credibility, marking a “massive victory for the right in the culture war.” [The linked post actually says media will go berserk.]

The campaign also urges participants to use adhesives that are non-permanent in order to avoid violating any laws and to conceal the signs’ connections to “racists or the alt-right.” One campaign graphic reads: “The simplicity is the point. It’s working.”

Right-wing YouTube creators have also taken notice, including Infowars editor-in-chief Paul Joseph Watson and white nationalist Paul Ramsey. Alt-right video bloggers James Allsup and Nick Fuentes even launched their own spin-off of the signs that read “Make your ancestors proud. Never feel guilty for who you are,” and solicited donations to produce and distribute their posters.

Oooh, be proud of your ancestors! Okay, I am. Funny how my pride amounts to “you stupid Indians, shut up! Pipelines are good!” and the like. That’s the problem with white pride, it excludes everyone else. Of course, exclusion is what white colonial pride is all about: “white people masters, everyone else, lay down to be trodden on.” This little campaign is hardly different from all the other shite supremacy, so it’s not a shock, it’s not even a surprise. White people being suuuuuper assholes simply has zero shock value.

There’s more to the story, RWW has it.

Trick or Tweet!

© C. Ford.

Oh, the right wing. So very gullible. You can make up anything, and they will swallow it whole so quickly, you wouldn’t have time to blink. There is such a twitchy desperation to believe anything negative about their self-defined enemies, they lie in wait, ready to pounce, on anything.

An anonymous but popular comedian on Twitter who tweets under the username “Krang T Nelson”—an homage to a cartoon character in “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles”—was suspended from Twitter after posting a satirical status mocking conservative fearmongering around a series of demonstrations organized by Refuse Fascism, a group separate from Antifa, scheduled for November 4. The user tweeted:


Twitter suspended the Krang T Nelson account after the post was reported by conservatives who believed the tweet was serious. Fellow Twitter comedian Tom Bloke then copied and pasted the since-removed tweet to his own profile to show solidarity. It didn’t take long for the worst right-wing pundits to seize the opportunity to embarrass themselves.

The Gateway Pundit’s White House reporter Lucian Wintrich reported on the satirical tweet reposted by Bloke as if it was a serious threat of “anti-white racism” against “white parents” and “small business owners.”  Wintrich also identified Bloke as “one of the leaders of the domestic terrorist group ANTIFA,” which is a lie.

The Gateway Pundit went on and on about Antifa, not caring one whit that they were taken in. They have a graphic comparing Nazis to Antifa, and note:

Primarily comprised of white, pale-skinned, stick-thin men, and obese pimple-ridden women, Antifa hide behind masks to both disguise their grotesque appearances and to feel “united” with the others in their group.

Not only gullible, ignorant, and mis-informed, but so very juvenile, too.

Pro-Trump sycophant radio host Bill Mitchell shared the Gateway Pundit article with his followers:


Ian Miles Cheong got in on the re-tweet panic, too, and defended his panic when he was informed he was panicking over nothing at all. You can read about the whole mess at RWW, and they also provide a link to the new account of Krang.

Sunday Facepalm.

Archloon Larry Klayman has decided to start a petition, to appoint himself as special counsel, so he can imprison those evil Clintons and Pres. Obama, too. Naturally, this will fix all the ills. Here’s a very small excerpt from the nonsense petition*:


As even the slightly left and prestigious National Journal observed many years ago, “The main reason Larry Klayman is exasperating to many people across the ideological spectrum is that he ignores the rules of partisan combat that define Washington. Many political operatives have come to realize that Klayman is impossible to sway, because he seeks no Establishment credentials, and has none to protect.” The National Journal, Louis Jacabson, (June 29, 2002), Number 26.


Years ago, my friend Alan Keyes, when he was running for president, said I would be his Attorney General if he was elected. Now, it’s time for me to be a real Attorney General and have President Trump direct the Justice Department to appoint me as special counsel, who would have all the powers of the Attorney General in these criminal matters.


God bless you and your loved ones as we seek to preserve the heritage of our Founding Fathers and the Republic for which they stood and died for.

[*The original has the all caps in bold, I removed this, for everyone’s sake as well as my own.] Now, anyone remotely familiar with Klayman won’t be at all surprised by this latest bit of grandstanding. If there was some sort of award for worst lawyer ever, Klayman would sweep it every time. Apparently, I was in the mood for a bit of self torture, because I wandered over and had a look at the whole mess. As I was skimming some of the comments by signers, I came across this one:

The American people want the swamp cleaned up! This would be a great start!!!

Right there is a beautiful illustration of Trumpholes in a nutshell. I’m pretty sure there was a loudmouthed idiot who kept making declarations about draining a swamp, who was that, oh yes, Trump. That would be one of the reasons idiots like the above person voted for the Tiny Tyrant. It’s quite obvious that’s not going to happen, the swamp is just gonna grow and grow and grow, and devour everyone. Except the filthy rich, who will get richer. Instead of realizing they went for the pig in a poke, they grasp at lunacy like Klayman’s pointless petition.

Winter arrived early here, and it’s cold and bleak. It’s not a good time to be reminded of the profound depth of stupidity Trumpholes embrace with enthusiasm. It’s a pity brain transplants aren’t a thing. Even zombie brains would be better.

There’s video and links at RWW, if you wish.

No Greater Strength…

@VP: The Airmen of Minot Air Force Base & your fellow Americans serving across the globe have volunteered to defend our freedom & way of life.

@VP: There is no greater element of American strength – there is no greater force for peace in this world – than the U.S’ nuclear arsenal.

Oh, look who was a few hours away from me, Puppet Pence. He was waxing eloquent about the greatest force for peace in the world – nuclear weapons. Golly, and here I thought you were a godbotherer extraordinaire, Mr. Pence. Isn’t that psychopathic Jehovah supposed to be the greatest force for peace insanity, war, and slaughter? Oooh, I think Jehovah’s gonna getcha for that one.

Via Twitter.

Alternative Facts: The Mathematical Formula.

Former White House press secretary Sean Spicer was honored with a prestigious fellowship at the Institute of Politics at Harvard’s John F. Kennedy School of Government (Twitter).

Sean Spicer was given a fellowship at the Institute of Politics at Harvard’s John F. Kennedy School of Government. Why is anyone’s guess. I can’t imagine what Mr. Spicer might teach students. As it turns out, the students were less than impressed with Spicer’s load of empty air. Mr. Spicer was described as inarticulate and whiny. Mr. Spicer did impart one bit of math:

“An alternative fact is 3+1=4 or 4+0=4. Those are alternative facts. A lie is 3+2=4. Alternative facts are legitimate tools to use in politics,” the students said he argued.

So, there you have it, straight from the jackass’s mouth.

Via Raw Story.