Sunday Facepalm.

Archloon Larry Klayman has decided to start a petition, to appoint himself as special counsel, so he can imprison those evil Clintons and Pres. Obama, too. Naturally, this will fix all the ills. Here’s a very small excerpt from the nonsense petition*:


As even the slightly left and prestigious National Journal observed many years ago, “The main reason Larry Klayman is exasperating to many people across the ideological spectrum is that he ignores the rules of partisan combat that define Washington. Many political operatives have come to realize that Klayman is impossible to sway, because he seeks no Establishment credentials, and has none to protect.” The National Journal, Louis Jacabson, (June 29, 2002), Number 26.


Years ago, my friend Alan Keyes, when he was running for president, said I would be his Attorney General if he was elected. Now, it’s time for me to be a real Attorney General and have President Trump direct the Justice Department to appoint me as special counsel, who would have all the powers of the Attorney General in these criminal matters.


God bless you and your loved ones as we seek to preserve the heritage of our Founding Fathers and the Republic for which they stood and died for.

[*The original has the all caps in bold, I removed this, for everyone’s sake as well as my own.] Now, anyone remotely familiar with Klayman won’t be at all surprised by this latest bit of grandstanding. If there was some sort of award for worst lawyer ever, Klayman would sweep it every time. Apparently, I was in the mood for a bit of self torture, because I wandered over and had a look at the whole mess. As I was skimming some of the comments by signers, I came across this one:

The American people want the swamp cleaned up! This would be a great start!!!

Right there is a beautiful illustration of Trumpholes in a nutshell. I’m pretty sure there was a loudmouthed idiot who kept making declarations about draining a swamp, who was that, oh yes, Trump. That would be one of the reasons idiots like the above person voted for the Tiny Tyrant. It’s quite obvious that’s not going to happen, the swamp is just gonna grow and grow and grow, and devour everyone. Except the filthy rich, who will get richer. Instead of realizing they went for the pig in a poke, they grasp at lunacy like Klayman’s pointless petition.

Winter arrived early here, and it’s cold and bleak. It’s not a good time to be reminded of the profound depth of stupidity Trumpholes embrace with enthusiasm. It’s a pity brain transplants aren’t a thing. Even zombie brains would be better.

There’s video and links at RWW, if you wish.

No Greater Strength…

@VP: The Airmen of Minot Air Force Base & your fellow Americans serving across the globe have volunteered to defend our freedom & way of life.

@VP: There is no greater element of American strength – there is no greater force for peace in this world – than the U.S’ nuclear arsenal.

Oh, look who was a few hours away from me, Puppet Pence. He was waxing eloquent about the greatest force for peace in the world – nuclear weapons. Golly, and here I thought you were a godbotherer extraordinaire, Mr. Pence. Isn’t that psychopathic Jehovah supposed to be the greatest force for peace insanity, war, and slaughter? Oooh, I think Jehovah’s gonna getcha for that one.

Via Twitter.

Alternative Facts: The Mathematical Formula.

Former White House press secretary Sean Spicer was honored with a prestigious fellowship at the Institute of Politics at Harvard’s John F. Kennedy School of Government (Twitter).

Sean Spicer was given a fellowship at the Institute of Politics at Harvard’s John F. Kennedy School of Government. Why is anyone’s guess. I can’t imagine what Mr. Spicer might teach students. As it turns out, the students were less than impressed with Spicer’s load of empty air. Mr. Spicer was described as inarticulate and whiny. Mr. Spicer did impart one bit of math:

“An alternative fact is 3+1=4 or 4+0=4. Those are alternative facts. A lie is 3+2=4. Alternative facts are legitimate tools to use in politics,” the students said he argued.

So, there you have it, straight from the jackass’s mouth.

Via Raw Story.

Is that supposed to be comforting?

“Tillerson says Trump wants diplomacy in North Korea: “Diplomatic efforts will continue until the first bomb drops””

Uh…is that supposed to be comforting? Reassuring? Because I’m not finding that warm and fuzzy in any way. Fuuuuuuck.

“Feminism is dead. It is dead as a doornail, it is dead. Feminism is dead.”

Something you hear a lot is that feminism is dead. But if feminism is dead, why do people try so hard to kill it? - Jessica Valenti.

Dana Loesch, spokesmouth for the NRA, was at the Values Voter Summit, declaring the death of feminism. Just in case people didn’t quite get that, she reiterated.

“We are in a post-feminist era,” she said. “Feminism is dead. It is dead as a doornail*, it is dead. Feminism is dead.”

Saying that “third-wave feminism has betrayed” women, men, children and “our culture,” Loesch claimed, “Third-wave feminism exists to subjugate men, period. They have replaced the patriarchy with the matriarchy, and they are not a good master.”

:Looks around: Nope, this is not the republic of New Amazonia.

“Third-wave feminism says it empowers women—empowers them by convincing women to commit genocide against the female sex in utero,” she said.

Umm, no. You have that ever so backwards, Ms. Loesch. The power is the ability to make our own medical decisions and having full autonomy. Y’know, like men get to do already.

She added that “men are wonderful and they are unappreciated, and you know, you can mansplain all you want to because we womansplain enough.”

Well, if being mansplained is your thing, Ms. Loesch, have at it, but don’t be making that a blanket to cover all. As you think women talk too much, perhaps you shouldn’t be taking up space where a proper person could be talking, y’know, a man.

There’s video at RWW.

*This made me curious about the origins of said phrase, and the answer is interesting, having to do with clinching.

Also at the Values Voter Summit was Todd Starnes, who opined over the ‘war on masculinity’:

Starnes said that Mark Hancock, who runs the Christianity based scouting organization Trail Life USA, told him that the Boy Scouts’ decision was “nothing less than a war on boys.” Starnes elaborated on Hancock’s remarks to him, claiming that “the mainstream media” spread the notion of “toxic masculinity.”

“It’s not just a war on boys. It’s a war on men. And there are those in this country that want to feminize men. They want to criminalize masculinity,” Starnes said.

I guess Mr. Starnes didn’t get the message that feminism is dead.

The full story is at RWW.

Christmas, Christmas, Christmas.

A poster from the Office for Emergency Management, War Production Board, circa. 1942 – Source.

The Tiny Tyrant is mouthing off again, when isn’t he? This time, bringing up the non-existent war on christmas. Again.

President Trump spoke at the Values Voter Summit today, where he received a rousing round of applause when he bravely declared that under his presidency, people will start saying “Merry Christmas” again.

“We are stopping cold the attacks on Judeo-Christian values,” he said. “As we approach the end of the year—you know, we’re getting near that beautiful Christmas season that people don’t talk about anymore. They don’t use the word Christmas because it’s not politically correct. You go to department stores and they’ll say Happy New Year and they’ll say other things; it’ll be red, they’ll have it painted but they don’t say it. Well, guess what? We’re saying Merry Christmas again.”

There’s no war. There’s no attack. The winter festival of Giftmas has nothing to do with religion, and it’s not something christians are supposed to celebrate anyway.

Thus saith the Lord, Learn not the way of the heathen…. For the customs of the people are vain: for one cutteth a tree out of the forest … with the axe. They deck it with silver and with gold. Jeremiah 10:2-4

And so on. Winter festivals are ubiquitous, have ancient roots, and none of them had anything to do with Christ. Christians attempting to be all outraged over the ‘merry christmas’ nonsense love to wallow in absurdity. If you really want to be painted as the religion of crass commercialism and consumer greed, well, who am I to stop you? As always, christians seem to miss the fact that saying “merry/happy christmas” is not outlawed. You can say it all you want, whenever you want. You simply cannot force other people to say it, which leads christians to scream “persecution!” Unsurprisingly, the Tiny Tyrant seems to think this is something he can mandate, in glittering fake gold, no doubt. Just a thought, but if your so-called values are concerned with not being able to force others to utter a trite phrase, perhaps it’s time to review those values.

All that’s happened is that some people, a bit more enlightened and empathetic than others, had a desire to be inclusive, in the spirit of love and generosity, qualities often assigned to the christmas season. I guess those values aren’t terribly important to those all up in arms over their precious Judeo-Christian values.

Via RWW, where there’s video, if you must torture yourself.

You Can’t Free My Slaves!

Steve Prattor, Sheriff of Caddo Parish in Louisiana, addresses reporters (Screen cap).

Apparently, Sheriff Steve Prattor is not the least abashed in hollering out his displeasure over non-violent convicts being released early.

Steve Prattor, the Sheriff of Caddo Parish in Louisiana, is not a fan of his state’s new criminal justice reforms that will free many prisoners convicted of nonviolent offenses earlier than they had been scheduled to be released.

In a press conference held this week, Prattor said that keeping some of the “good” prisoners in jail was necessary for the prisons to keep functioning because they could provide needed labor that you couldn’t get out of more violent and dangerous prisoners.

“The [prisoners] that you can work, the ones that can pick up trash, the work release programs — but guess what? Those are the ones that they’re releasing!” Prattor fumed in his attack against criminal justice reforms. “In addition to the bad ones… they’re releasing some good ones that we use every day to wash cars, to change the oil in our cars, to cook in the kitchen… well, they’re going to let them out!”

My, my, you’re going to lose your slaves, what a pity. Perhaps you should learn to wash your own cars, how to change the oil in them, and strap an apron on, Sheriff, and get your arse to work.

Via Raw Story.

Repeating: 6 Banal Defenses of Columbus Day, And How You Should Respond to the Moron.

Photo courtesy

Photo courtesy

We’re going to go back in time a bit, to an article Simon Moya-Smith wrote in January this year. He’ll help you out with Columbus apologists. Happy Indigenous Peoples Day!

Glaring contradictions. Stupid fucking lies, and good ol’ American bullshit.

Yes, folks today we are talking U.S. history, and there’s nothing more politically correct than American History. It’s RIFE with soft language to spare the feelings of fuckers who desperately want to believe their homesteading great-grand-pappy wasn’t a murdering, raping, thief.

OK. So today let’s hit on the numbskullery surrounding Columbus Day. “Why in January?” you ask. Well because Colorado State House Representative Joseph Salazar, a democrat, is currently working to repeal the foul thing from the state’s list of recognized holidays. And lately he has received an onslaught of hate mail from dipshits who don’t seem to understand the seemingly elusive concept of logic and facts.

Recently, Rep. Salazar has been forwarding me these messages, and they range from fucking hilarious to seriously fucking delusional. They’re more on the seriously fucking delusional side, though.

So, I thought I’d share with you some responses you can use against the common, hackneyed pro-Columbus Day arguments you will surely continue to encounter for as long as you engage the willfully blind. Feel free to share the following with your friends or family, or maybe just that fucker who sits at the end of the bar incessantly defending the bullshit American narrative as written. (Remember: The American narrative HATES to be fact-checked. So fact-check that goddamn thing any time you can.)

Okey dokey, here’s what you can say to those dullards spewing trite claims and arguments about Columbus and Columbus Day, and let us start with the most common and least accurate:

[Read more…]

Vidya Games! Hollywood!

The ever frothing Rick Santorum decided, like every other conservatwit, to weigh in on the Las Vegas shooting. Naturally, gun control is completely wrong, because it’s the fault of video games. And Hollywood, of course.

The failed GOP presidential candidate, who appeared Sunday as a panelist on CNN’s “State of the Union,” then suggested violent entertainment may have influenced the 64-year-old gunman.

“Violence in television and the video games — there is a mountain of evidence out there, psychological evidence, about what we’re doing to our young people with these video games, violent video games, and you never hear the left trying to go after Hollywood or the gaming market,” Santorum said. “It is never involved in this discussion. Where is the solution? Here we are. Where is the solution?”

He complained that Democrats had inaccurately blamed firearms for gun violence instead of movies.

Oy. Less talking heads, more thinking brains, please. The murderous shooter was 64 years old, Mr. Santorum. Let that sink in a moment. I’ll soon be 60 myself, so I can say that video games weren’t a thing when us old dinosaurs were young. Christ, colour televisions were still fresh way back when. As for Hollywood, nothing has changed, the effects have gotten better. And there’s more swearing. I’m a fan of old movies, in particular, old noir. There’s a whole lot of nastiness in movies, going way back, many of them now considered to be classics. Movies you couldn’t possibly consider to be in any way a moral one to watch, unless you were looking for awful morals, and that certainly includes those old bible movies. You could just paste a ‘a god behaving abominably’ on those. When I was young, and before that even, war movies were incredibly popular. Nothing but violence. Westerns, very popular – people shooting and people dropping dead every 5 seconds. People hanging out in the saloon. Where else? Always had women of negotiable love hanging about, too.  Movies have always provided people with a relief valve, a drop into fantasy for a while, where they can escape the cares of everyday life. Same goes for video games. That’s not a bad thing, even though there is always plenty of room for improvement.

I think you can easily place the blame for gun violence on those who love them, cuddle them, and fondle them all the way to their dramatic suicide. You can blame gun violence on the gun culture nourished by the government. You can blame gun violence on the NRA, which actively promotes it. You can blame gun violence on the sheer ubiquity of guns allowed in uStates. Let’s not be looking to video games and movies, because the problem doesn’t lie there, but I expect you’re well aware of that, Mr. Santorum.

Via Raw Story.

Sunday Facepalm: Vox Day, Comic Saviour.

Vox Day, screengrab.

Get those palms ready for some facin’, people. Whatever you do, no headdesking, you’ll kill yourself. Vox Day has decided to rescue comics from the horrible SJW hell they have become, because everyone hates them, and besides, Vox is sure he has hit on the perfect way to make all us lefties wail and gnash our teef.

Beale told his fans that major comic makers are “methodically, purposefully, absolutely attempting to destroy every value—every American value, every Western value, every Christian value that they can get their hands on” by creating spinoffs of popular comic series that depict classic characters as black, female and Muslim. Beale’s answer to that perceived attack is to fund the creation of a comic series that features “triggering” white characters that smoke cigarettes, wear Confederate flag costumes and combat left-wing protesters.

Hmmm. Well, I smoke, so I don’t think that will press the trigger. Every day, there are photos of assholes wandering about in Nazi regalia and waving confederate flags, and I haven’t swooned yet. I have an idea this won’t work the way ol’ Vox thinks it will, especially as us lefties aren’t exactly in the market for asshole comix.

The series promises “storylines, not social justice” and revolves around a collection of superhuman heroes that defy a United Nations “Superhuman Protection Council” and act as vigilante crime fighters who apparently use their rogue status to target undocumented immigrants and left-wing protesters.

Ooooh, gotta say, that’s right…boring.

What I found the most interesting was the idea that anything short of an undefined “success”, which as we all know will be redefined and re-redefined as Alt⭐️Hero meets with the usual metrics of success over time, is tantamount to “sad humilation”. Think about how twisted one’s psyche has to be to make that connection, and what a crushing fear of failure one would have to have in order to think that way.

That is the heart of the SJW, which is not only terrified of failure, but is terrified that someone, somewhere, will be successful doing something of which the SJW does not approve.

Of course, SJWs have good reason to be terrified of Alt⭐️Hero. Because they know they are the true villains and the enemy in the cultural war.

Hahahahaha oh my. I’m afraid sad puppy Vox is setting himself up for  sad humiliation. (I have no idea if humiliation is the same thing as humilation, someone can ask Vox for me.) Is everyone ready?

You can read much more at RWW.

“A thing called the Atlantic Ocean.”

President Trump on hurricane response challenges in Puerto Rico: “This is a thing called the Atlantic Ocean. This is tough stuff.”

Donald Trump blamed the Atlantic Ocean for the federal government’s failed response to Hurricane Maria’s devastation of the American territory of Puerto Rico.

“This is a thing called the Atlantic Ocean. This is tough stuff,” President Trump stated in a Rose Garden press conference with Prime Minister of Spain Mariano Rajoy.

The press conference marked the second time Tuesday that Trump blamed the ocean for the humanitarian crisis. Earlier, Trump stated, “it’s an island, sitting in the middle of an ocean.

No shit, Sherlock. Did someone just tell you that? Most of us know the basics of Puerto Rico, including the fact it’s in the Caribbean Sea, another really tough one, you bet. That does not excuse your ignorant, boneheaded mutterings and complete failure of proper response. Really, who the hell knew oceans are tough stuff? Perhaps the Tiny Tyrant should be tossed off a yacht for a while. After all, he’s the great businessman winner winner winner, so naturally, he could tame the ocean, or make a deal with it. It’s worth experimenting.

You can see some of the responses here.

All The Witch Hunts…

It’s seems that whole clumps of bitter techbros are fleeing to the MGTOW life (that’s Men Going Their Own Way, if you didn’t know), and advocating a life of male separatism. Just a thought, but if you avoid women at all costs, it might not be a surprise that your viewpoints are more suited to a cave than a nice high tech office somewhere. Naturally, this is an evil witch hunt, with the intent to subjugate men (and make them do what? Scrub out the toilet?) and other nefarious things. As always, the irony of men screeching “witch hunt!” escapes them entirely.

One of those who said there had been a change is James Altizer, an engineer at the chip maker Nvidia. Mr. Altizer, 52, said he had realized a few years ago that feminists in Silicon Valley had formed a cabal whose goal was to subjugate men. At the time, he said, he was one of the few with that view.
Continue reading the main story

Now Mr. Altizer said he was less alone. “There’s quite a few people going through that in Silicon Valley right now,” he said. “It’s exploding. It’s mostly young men, younger than me.”

Mr. Altizer said that a gathering he hosts in person and online to discuss men’s issues had grown by a few dozen members this year to more than 200, that the private Facebook pages he frequents on men’s rights were gaining new members and that a radical subculture calling for total male separatism was emerging.

“It’s a witch hunt,” he said in a phone interview, contending men are being fired by “dangerous” human resources departments. “I’m sitting in a soundproof booth right now because I’m afraid someone will hear me. When you’re discussing gender issues, it’s almost religious, the response. It’s almost zealotry.”

Unsurprisingly, Mr. Altizer, when you decide to pontificate about how women should not be in a workplace, and they should be quiet about slaps on the ass, if they don’t want to deal, they should stay home and do what they were ‘made’ for and all that, it will elicit a response. Women have been responding to misogynistic attitudes for thousands of years now. If we, from time to time, snap or yell, well, I’m sure you’ll understand the frustration of having one generation after another having to repeat themselves.

I do love the touch of the soundproof booth, though. For unknown reasons, the NYT has decided to give these sad separatists a full work up, because life is so gosh darn hard for men, especially those of the white variety. I’ll wish them fun in their cones of silence, and continue to pay attention to those men who have happily figured out that yes, women are human beings too.

Full story here.

Sunday Facepalm.

Civil rights icon Colin Kaepernick and President Donald Trump, composite image.

It’s another Trump Tantrum™. Apparently, the Tiny Tyrant thinks he’s still in reality teevee land…

“If a player wants the privilege of making millions of dollars in the NFL, or other leagues, he or she should not be allowed to disrespect…our Great American Flag (or Country) and should stand for the National Anthem,” President Trump tweeted.

“If not, YOU’RE FIRED. Find something else to do!” the President of the United States insisted.

This is not an episode of ‘The President’, dumbshit Donny. You can’t pretend fire anyone. You can’t fire them for real, either. The twit’s tweets can be seen here. Naturally, the Tiny Tyrant couldn’t leave things be with that level of blunder, oh no…

“‘Wouldn’t you like to see one of our NFL owners, when somebody disrespects the flag, say, ‘Get that son of a bitch off the field,’” Trump reportedly said at the rally. Kaepernick is not currently employed by any NFL football teams, as he was not drafted after his controversial bended-knee protests during the National Anthem last year.

You can read the full story and reactions here.

In the meantime, the NFL Players Union is standing firm:

Takeo Spikes, M.B.A: “How about all of us get together & say, “get that “son of a btch” out of the White House.” #FukingDotard.

And Colin Kaepernick’s mom had something to say too…

Teresa Kaepernick: “Guess that makes me a proud bitch!”

You can read all about that here.

Naturally, the Tiny Tyrant just can’t let it rest:

The Fucking Idiot: “Roger Goodell of NFL just put out a statement trying to justify the total disrespect certain players show to our country. Tell them to stand!” More on that one here.

I have a suggestion for you, Donny. Go fuck yourself.