Revisiting the original crew, they were 16 days old in these photos. I’ll try to name as best I can. And today’s music is something of a tie-in. :D

The front, l-r, Gytha, Oliver, Chester, Beatrice. At the very back, Giles, Agnes, Amelia, and Vasco, who are sitting on top of Neville. I think.
© C. Ford, all rights reserved.
Cuteness all the way down.
Yes, they certainly were. They all snatched my heart the moment they were on the planet.
I remember when they were born. So cute!
Super cute!
Anne, yeah, it was a joyous time! There’s nothing quite as uplifting as baby rats.
Adorable. So good to see them as babies again. I remember when they were born too, I imagine it was quite possibly the happiest “accident” to ever happen to you. :)
I’m making silly noises just looking at these photos. Their ears look so big! And their feet! Caine, thanks. (I’m still chuckling!) This was just what I needed today. This page is bookmarked for rainy days.
I can’t argue that, they were little bundles of magic all.
They were impossibly tiny then, and just bursting with the desire to explore. Their mum, Esme, died suddenly 5 days after these photos were taken. Fortunately for us, they had already begun to raid Esme’s food dishes, so we didn’t have to nurse them. The loss hit them hard, but they bonded even more with us after that, and would often corner their dads (Havelock and Sam), who would patiently stand there while they rooted around in the quest for nipples (male rats don’t have them.) The dads were ferociously protective of them, just as Esme had been, and they ended up to be a very happy and secure crew.
And you’re welcome! Honestly, you just can’t get more happy and uplifting than you can with a bunch of baby rats.
So much cuteness! Yes, very much bookmarked for days when I need a better mood.
The only thing that I think is cuter were our baby guineapigs (and thats only because they were not on photos but in my hands, happily munching greens)
Animals are amazing!
Avalus, nothing beats having them in hand! :D
‘Magic’ is mildly put. The cuteness overwhelms. All the little claws and whiskers..
:Smiles: Oh yes, the cuteness does overwhelm. It is truly magical, watching such tiny beings discovering the world.
Oh, baby guinea pigs, I’ve had them in my hands too, the cuteness! For some reason and up until the day they were born, the knowledge that guinea pigs are a precocial species unlike most rodents had escaped me. I was not expecting that level of cuteness right the day they were born!
We once had baby guinea pigs. Four week-old guinea pigs side by side eating a carrot is adorable beyond words.
They used to follow mom around in a line until the one in back, always the same one, fell behind and eventually started panic-squeaking with the little ears going back at each squeak, and then mom would circle back with the other three following her to pick up slowpoke.