
  1. rq says

    Is she looking to be domesticated? Maybe she likes you (or the feed you put out, same-same, no?).

  2. Ice Swimmer says

    A fine bachelorette turkey.

    I wonder what would be the net dating app for turkeys, Gobbler?

  3. says


    Is she looking to be domesticated? Maybe she likes you (or the feed you put out, same-same, no?).

    When she first showed up, she was getting into one of our trashcans, obviously hungry, and terribly young. I think she got separated from her people in this area, and just keeps making a circuit. It’s obvious she misses them, but I think she’s afraid to leave this area. Hopefully, they will intersect again one of these days.

    She was being very vocal, and even did a bit of playing, lifting her wings and running about a bit.

  4. busterggi says

    What’s her name?

    Seriously, my regular raccoon, Rackets, came by last night with one of her babies (maybe the only one) for the first time last tonight.

  5. says


    What’s her name?

    I don’t know, she hasn’t told me. How sweet to bring the baby for showing off! That’s a lovely moment.

  6. says

    Chigau, as far as I can tell, she’s healthy. She seems to be developing just fine, she could maybe be eating a bit more, but mostly, I think she’s just lonely. I feel for her, but am at a complete loss as how to help on that score. I don’t have the slightest idea of where her people might be, I just hope they will wander back this way at some point.

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