Wisconsin Governor and general all around Koch-whore Scott Walker asked fellow Christians for their prayers in fending off a recall election early next month: [Read more…]
Wisconsin Governor and general all around Koch-whore Scott Walker asked fellow Christians for their prayers in fending off a recall election early next month: [Read more…]
That national snapshot is crystal clear, plus it doesn’t reflect Romney getting his ass kicked on foreign policy all through bin-Laden-is-dead week. Add to that, his policy advisor on foreign affairs is openly gay (Gasp!). [Read more…]
Watching Romney’s antics these last few days gives me some appreciation for what the man faces. It’s not that I feel sorry for him, but I sympathize with his plight. Romney isn’t so much an etch-a-sketch as he is a shattered man, broken into conflicting mini Romneys that can’t easily fit back together, thanks to the crazy swinging inconsistent demands of the GOP apparatus. [Read more…]
Moments ago President Obama addressed the nation from Afghanistan. Without the prop of mission accomplished banners and wearing no pilot costume, the President spoke to civilians, service members, and members of the House and Senate, commenting on our future timeline for ramping down the war in that battered nation (Mitt Romney celebrated the non-use of 9-11 and/or the bin Laden hit with a completely non political photo op surrounded by a company of fire fighters alongside former NYC Mayor Rudy Giuliani a few miles from ground zero). The President’s full prepared marks below the fold. [Read more…]
I’m not sure why Romney didn’t just go with this in the first place. Maybe the hysterical laughter finally got to him. Or maybe Romney is just a flip-flopping liar who hired and felated way too many incompetent ex Bush admin-advisors and cronies who posted losing text on the teleprompter for him to read — and probaly won’t be shit canned for doing it. If I was gonna break it off, now that’s its stuck in deep, I’d start asking all over, rhetorically, if he now disagrees with himself over Pakistan or, if he was just winging it without thinking straight back then.
That ad has caused some hand wringing in the centrist democratic coalition, AKA wimpy caucus, and anger, naturally, on the right. Of course it’s completely accurate, that’s exactly what Romney said. And for anyone who wants to lecture dems on using the death of bin Laden in their record of success, please, don’t. There are miles of footage of conservatives doing it in the nastiest way imaginable. If Romney didn’t want to get criticized for saying and writing that stuff, or if he didn’t mean it, he should not have said it or wrote it. Actions have consequences, and so do words.
As the first anniversary of Osama bin Laden’s death looms, the new One World Trade Center inches above the Empire State Building to become the tallest in New York City: [Read more…]
From the annals of if-you-wrote-this-down no one would believe it, Romney is now singing a new tune on the auto bailout. When last we left Mittens, he was on his high horse putting all that Bain Cap scavenger expertise claiming the auto bailout would never work and claiming Obama should have let the companies go through an imaginary managed bankruptcy that his own firm and everyone else on passed on. But sinking poll numbers has prompted a different whopper: the successful bailout was Romney’s idea all along! [Read more…]
Trick question, easy answer: whenever Paul Ryan needs it to be. Back when Obama weakened the original Romneycare requirement so that it only covered birth control pills and not terminal pregnancies, it was a full-scale war on religion, over ruling the view of the Catholic Church, ZOMG, Jefferson wept! In a moment of unadulterated satire even Romney tried to jump on that bucking bronco before being thrown. But when a Republican capo pushes legislation against the core beliefs of the exact same church, that’s totaalllly different! [Read more…]
Well, well, well, look who’s shocked to discover Mitt Romney making a play for unapproved voters. An email arrived in my inbox from a religo-political group with lots of alarming exclamation points! And breathless urgency! An excerpt: [Read more…]