Imagine if anti-vaccination nuts had their own news network and associated media enablers. Well, No More Mr Nice Blog went there. I think he nailed it:
Can you imagine if vaccine skepticism were seized on by the right-wing noise machine? It would spread like wildfire. A third of Americans simply wouldn’t vaccinate their children, insisting that the health effects of vaccination are just a “theory.” Every Republican in Congress would have to sign an anti-vaccine pledge. There’d be movements to make vaccines illegal in the red states, and dispensers of vaccines would be defunded in those states, and their offices would be shut down.
Fortunately I already suspect the overlap between one bunch of reality- and fact-resistant zealots and the other makes this redundant, or this would already be policy.
Some members of the noise machine already subscribe to the anti-vax nonsense. Rep Dan Burton (R-Ind) comes to mind. Heaven help us if it ever really becomes one of their platform planks. I mean, sure, in the longer term, they’ll reduce the vaccinated population below the herd immunity threshold and start dying, but they’ll take a lot of innocents with them.
Bill Maher’s head would not necessarily explode from cognitive dissonance, but it would take on a variety of interesting shapes.
And those states would then have to rely on some form of abstinence-only education. Just say no to disease!
At least we’d finally have a good excuse to quarantine the south.
Michelle Bachman?
Fortunately there’s only one thing an idiot distrusts more than someone who doesn’t agree with him. And that’s someone who doesn’t agree with him and is obviously a different brand of idiot.