Normally, I don’t like bourgeois pursuits like weeding. I feel that plants should Do Their Thing and I mostly try to hold the line at keeping them from growing over the top of my house. [Read more…]
Normally, I don’t like bourgeois pursuits like weeding. I feel that plants should Do Their Thing and I mostly try to hold the line at keeping them from growing over the top of my house. [Read more…]
They will probably go extinct in my lifetime. But they’ll always have food waiting for them here at Bellwether Farm, if they manage to get here.
The Bird Committee is having a meeting under my kitchen window.
Fake news. So what? Doesn’t everyone realize that all news is fake to some degree or another? Yet, we are supposed to get excited about it, because it is the reigning popular explanation for the spectacular failure of the American political system.
Tearing my shop down (my project for late last week) was depressing. After going to all the trouble to assemble the massive benches and bolt everything down to it, I had to unbolt everything and begin disassembly. It amounts to a repudiation of my own work.
This is a true story. Some minor details are changed deliberately.
I ordered a tactical defense knife (“the perfect tool for women”) [stderr] so I can use it for some test-cutting. I’m not sure where I’ll go with this, but I am probably too busy/lazy to make my own tactical llap goch sgean dgu to compare against, so I may have to use my Vietnam War-era Gerber MK I.
One of the features my schoolhouse came with was an old time-clock, on the wall of the Principal’s Office.
I’m mad at myself for not thinking some things through that I should have seen coming a mile away.
Lately, I’ve been thinking of wrapped handles – especially after seeing some of the beautiful work kestrel does, and some of the Japanese-style wrappings on Michael Bell’s sword mountings. What’s something tough, beautiful, interesting, weather-proof?