I have been going on and on about how the term ‘politically correct’ has been abused both pre-emptively (by people who then go on to say mean things about members of marginalized groups) and defensively (to deflect attention from the fact that they have said something offensive). I was wracking my brain trying to think of a succinct way to capture what people really mean when they haul out political correctness but succinctness is not the strong suit for a wordy person like me.
But thanks to commenter Daniel Schealler, I was informed of Byron Clark who says he has written software that replaces every occurrence of the phrase ‘politically correct’ in his browser with ‘treating people with respect’. The results he gets are, as Daniel says, brilliant.
Check out Clark’s examples and I think you will agree with Daniel’s assessment.
Well done Mr. Clark!
It means whatever you wanna say or oppose which is convenient for you.
I tend to say that “political correctness is what bullies cry about when somebody stands up to them”.
There is a similar Chrome extension that replaces all instances of “SJW” to “skeleton”. “SJW” has garnered an increasingly vague definition in recent times, so I’d say it’s appropriate.