Justin Bieber supports single payer health care

The singer will undoubtedly raise the ire of those who devoutly believe that “America is the greatest country in the world in every single way, always has been, and always will be and anyone who doubts that is a an anti-American Islamofascisticcommie” by comparing Canada’s single payer health care system favorably to the US system.

The Canadian-born Bieber never plans on becoming an American citizen. “You guys are evil,” he jokes. “Canada’s the best country in the world.” He adds, “We go to the doctor and we don’t need to worry about paying him, but here, your whole life, you’re broke because of medical bills. My bodyguard’s baby was premature, and now he has to pay for it. In Canada, if your baby’s premature, he stays in the hospital as long as he needs to, and then you go home.”

He’s not the only celebrity thinking that the present health care system in the US is evil.


  1. says

    Yeah lets see what happens when government does take over health insurance. You think insurance companies are bad denying claims so forth. You dont hear about the claims they do cover only the bad stuff. If the goverment takes over you think they would pull the same stuff? They cant even manage our budget. I for one do what them telling me whether or not i am allowed to get a certain surgery for a condition.

  2. says

    Orlando (if you are a real person, not sure with the commerical links on this blog recently)-
    I am curious if there are any statistics regarding what is covered under your average insurance and what is covered under say, medicare and medicaid. I honestly don’t know. I need more information before I can judge the veracity of your comment. Do you have any?

    If Orlando is a bot/paid commentor, maybe another commentor or Mano can weigh in.

  3. Peter says

    When I scroll over “orlando’s” sig, it displays a link to what appears to be a commercial insurance company.

    Your [For-Profit Insurance Company] Premiums at work, folks!!

  4. says

    G and Peter,

    I try to weed out spam but I think that comment is real. But at the same time, I think it is uninformed.

    When people make flat assertions like that without any support or that seem to originate in standard talking points, I tend to ignore them.

  5. says

    I believe that by having everybody under a health insurance plan (ACA), it will allow the American people to have a more decent coverage, at least Health insurance companies won’t have the excuse to deny the coverage when people need it the most based on so many stupid conditions, somehow Justin’s support is right. I also think, that by expanding the coverage for young people with ACA, hopefully more of us will start getting advice from their doctors by actually visiting him and prevent health issues rather than regret when possible.

  6. says

    Bieber is getting into a snake pit with political comments like that, but good for him. The Canadadian health care system has treated our family very well for three generations.

  7. says

    The Health Care System in The States does seem un fair as many places including Britain have care systems that allow you not to worry about how being ill is going to affect you financially!

  8. says

    I’ve heard a lot about Canadian Health Insurance System and honestly, Bieber is right at all. Yes, it’s true that they have no medical bills and etc. But what about US Insurance. If Government won’t take care about that case it will be destroyed and to believe professional reviewers and critics, and surely to believe my objective opinions, the destruction of the system will also destroy lots of people’s life.
    I’m not full of criticism, I just want to do my little bit about the building the new improved Health Insurance System what will take care people’s life.

  9. says

    Telling the truth sometimes is painful. We can’t blame Justine for telling the truth about the present health care system. His opinion should be seen as a positive way.

  10. says

    Orlando (if you are a real person, not sure with the commerical links on this blog recently)-
    I am curious if there are any statistics regarding what is covered under your average insurance and what is covered under say, medicare and medicaid. I honestly don’t know. I need more information before I can judge the veracity of your comment. Do you have any?

    If Orlando is a bot/paid commentor, maybe another commentor or Mano can weigh in.

  11. says

    I believe that by having everybody under a health insurance plan (ACA), it will allow the American people to have a more decent coverage, at least Health insurance companies won’t have the excuse to deny the coverage when people need it the most based on so many stupid conditions, somehow Justin’s support is right. I also think, that by expanding the coverage for young people with ACA, hopefully more of us will start getting advice from their doctors by actually visiting him and prevent health issues rather than regret when possible.

  12. says

    I myself have suffered from various illness and paying medical bills which were very high. I had to borrow loan as I didn’t had a medical insurance at that time.

    It is certainly true that the health care system is not at all good in our country. Maybe we should hope for a better facility in near future.

  13. says

    Just over a year ago, I suffered a serious ankle injury while working. I unfortunately did not have health insurance at the time.

    Would it been nice to live in a country where health care was provided? Sure, but ultimately it was my responsibility.

    I’m sure there are plenty of benefits to living in Canada, but ultimately, I think the U.S. is the greatest country in the world to live. Who am I to complain?

  14. says

    The Health Care System in The States does seem un fair as many places including Britain have care systems that allow you not to worry about how being ill is going to affect you financially!

  15. says

    He just voiced out the truth and justly, since I am not a Canadian nor an American citizen,I think Canada’s healthcare is better. But that doesn’t mean that America is evil.Because America’s healthcare sucks,then the whole nation is already evil?mmm, think.

  16. says

    Well done Justin! I agree. Here in the UK we have probably the best health service in the world. Not perfect but at least we don’t have a system where only the rich get health treatment! We may a tax from our income which goes to health treatment.

  17. says

    Well, I think the problem is he can’t make him mentally prepared as how to respect his fame. The ques is not about who has better healthcare, the ques is no one is evil out there. When you become a celebrity person you are bound to respect others.

  18. says

    This is a great sign that Justin has a good heart there are many people in the world who need medical care and can’t afford it, it’s good to see that there are still good hearts.

  19. says

    I liked the post and video both. But i am quite surprised by that the US has poor health care service. I was really unaware of such information.

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