
  1. Predator Handshake says

    I wish the artist had included a scale bar. I’m very curious how big a Great New One would be.

  2. Russell says

    Though the tastiest of soul food, Bacon and Pthullhu kebobs are a fell meat, and perilous to man’s health as cold haggis.

    To survive you must wash them down faster that their tentacles can writhe up to seize your brain , using this elixir:

  3. says

    Thank you for you for your comments !
    The reason on the “Pthulhu” with a “P”, in short:
    This was a drawing for a friend who is a huge lovecraft fan. She has a little girl and she gave her a cthulhu-doll, which is now her favorite.
    Some time ago at school this little girl had to fill an abecedarium with drawings. So she started: “A is Apple, B is Banana, C is Chair”… And arriving at letter P she drew her Cthulhu doll and wrote “P is Ptulu”.

    After that she explained Cthulhu was so cute she wished He was for real, and they were many of them.

    This story was so cute I decided to draw her the Pthulhu.

  4. Stacy says

    Boulet, thank you for sharing that story! All hail Pthulhu, Eldritch Horror in a cute green bow.

  5. Damien says

    PZ, why did you not include the artist’s name?

    Fortunately, I recognizes Boulet’s touch.

  6. says

    Very cute! But always credit the artist if possible.

    Next, a children’s story, M. Boulet? Il serait bien d’avoir une petite histoire pour les petits enfants.