Religion, Trump, and Accountability: A Cautionary Tale

Stolen from a thief:

Jehovah & Satan are scratching their heads, giving puzzled looks to each other, attempting to determine who gets blamed for Trump. Of course, they have to rope in their friends when each denies taking any hand in Trump's creation.

Gods discuss who is responsible for Donald Trump.


Given their age, I think FSM should be remanded to juvenile court.


Full Script:

Jehovah & Satan are scratching their heads, giving puzzled looks to each other at this point.

Jehovah: You’re sure he’s not one of yours? Because I didn’t make him.

Satan: Please. Give me some credit. Even I have some standards.

Jehovah: Buddha? Brahma? [Both shrug their shoulders.] Gaia?

Gaia: [Glowers.]

Jehovah: Right, right. Sorry. Forgot about the “pussy grabbing” thing. … Cthulhu?

Cthulhu: What kind of monster do you take me for? [Sips tea.]

Satan: Well somebody cooked him up.

Flying Spaghetti Monster: …

Jehovah: Wait… There’s no way you could …

FSM: Look. It was my first time. I was a little drunk and someone asked for a “Tangerine Dream” so I thought …

Satan: [Facepalm.] Fucking newbies.

Crip Dyke’s Private Conversations: Tomi Lahren and the “Original Feminists”

An insight into the private conversations your friendly, neighborhood Crip Dyke has when she’s away-from-blog:

Tomi Lahren insists that dead feminists would roll over in their graves at this new-fangled feminism that insults men and wears hats.
I’m just wondering where she got that one.

Ah, Tomi. Will there ever be a day when you cease being so entertainingly wrong?


PS: I think I’m gonna kick-start the “OF” trend. “Crip Dyke OF” has a nice ring to it.