Every week there are noteworthy people who pass away, but sometimes their deaths hit a little harder.
This week we lost Joe Nickell and Kevin Drum.
Joe Nickell was a skeptic of the old school, investigating paranormal mysteries and hoaxes. I never had anything directly to do with him, but I admired his work, and have heard a lot of good stuff about him from people I respect. Here is Skeptical Inquirer’s obituary: Remembering Joe Nickell, Iconic Skeptic and Investigator
Kevin Drum was an influential progressive blogger back when blogging was a huge thing. He blogged under the name Calpundit, until he moved his blog, under the name Political Animal, to Washington Monthly. He later moved to Mother Jones, and more or less took over their website. Kevin was not without some serious flaws, but he was also willing to change his mind – for example, he supported the Iraq War before it actually started, but changed his mind, and was against it by the time the war actually started. I haven’t read Kevin Drum for years, but in his heyday, he was one of my must-read blogs. His family’s notice of his death can be read here.