It has come to my attention that the ancient moldy “venerable” webcomic “Sinfest” still exists – and has gone full terf. This isn’t news because it happened some time ago, apparently.
The last I gazed upon its weird and copious pages was in art school close to twenty years ago. At that time it struck me as being penned by a very virtuous hand, something of Walt Kelly’s talent in the lines, but wallowing in unoriginality on a perverse level. Like the MCs were basically Calvin & Hobbes, except Calvin dressed like Bloom County’s Steve Dallas and Hobbes was a hot chick (TM) with a whale tail, baby doll tee, and what would become Karen hair. The comic veered between slam poetry about weed and endless tedious discourse about xtianity that was inscrutable enough to come out a total wash. I could not tell you if the artist was an atheist or an xtian.
That was then and I won’t give the creep traffic to see what it looks like now. But from googling some discourse about it, some coincidences emerge. The writer went swerf circa Elevatorgate, and went terf more recently. Is this somebody who went with the progressive side of atheism but then followed people like OB out the terf hatch? Or are they just british and this is a nothing?
Weird world, man.