The visual tour of our local tit diversity continues. Today: great tits! They really are great, also larger than other tits – really big tits. They’re also braver than other tits, as they have safety in numbers. In bright lemon yellow, so quite the cheery addition.

Checking out the first feeder (it broke), there’s rarely just the one. (c) rq

Also not shy about the acrobatics! (c) rq

Excellent form. Thought there’s no seeds down there… show off. (c) rq

Given to curmudgeonliness, despite the bright colours! (c) rq

And not shy about tackling walnuts or buried seed. (c) rq

Floosh! (c) rq

Concentration… must get that seedy goodness! (c) rq
Next up I think will be tufted tits, which are devious to the core and absolutely refuse to hold still for any kind of decent photo. Tough customers but adorable in the extreme.
Red Moon by Tom Jackson
I watched CBC’s Trickster and just love the soundtrack.
Considering the weather I’m surprised you didn’t see any blue tits.
You did enjoy writing that, did you?
They are among our regulars as well
Blue tits were showcased a few days ago, no complaining allowed!
Mostly I’m twelve, really.
Too bad Boobies are seabirds, they would fit right in xD
The day I see a real boobie, I will probably faint. Also many stars and planets must align, but the world is full of miracles.