
  1. Lofty says

    I suspect that the southern continent has nicked your heat. The answer is 42. What is the question? Our maximum temperature today? In Centigrade. Up in the desert regions it reached 46.5°C or 115°F today. Three more days to endure before the next cool front comes through, hopefully on Saturday afternoon.

    Anyway, all the best with the snow, hope it’s not too severe.

  2. says

    No, it’s a light, powdery snow this time, which is much better than the wet, heavy as concrete stuff! :D Serious heat is no fun, either, stay cool and safe.

  3. blf says

    The last week or two it’s been a rain – mistral (strong wind) – sunny – cloudy cycle, about a day of each. Today it was rain’s turn, and the last forecast I saw was for sunny’s turn tomorrow, then windy’s turn, and back to rainy on the weekend-ish. Air temperature has been above freezing, but with windy’s turn’s air chill, it might be getting to or just below freezing late at night.

    The mildly deranged penguin is trying to change it to a cheese – cheese – MUSHROOMS! & cheese – moar cheese cycle, and is rather disappointed all she’s gotten so far is blast of moist spray and an annoyed pigeon squawking at her. She’s currently writing — well, jumping up-and-down on — a furious letter of complaint. However, she still hasn’t come to terms with the idea of stamps, which means there will probably be an even more furious row at the post office tomorrow; fortunately, the clerks there are, by now, use to her and keep some distracting cheese on hand…

  4. Crimson Clupeidae says

    I think I’m gonna go out for another hike. All these pics are making me feel cold.

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