
  1. johnson catman says

    Well, since The Orange One’s VP will be in charge of foreign and domestic policy, wouldn’t the call be automatically forwarded to Pence? In all honesty, I cannot see The Orange One having any of the traits necessary to fulfill the duties of the POTUS.

  2. says

    I had a good laugh over the fake big hands. :D

    I don’t think Trump’s ego would allow for handing stuff off to someone else, he’d have to fuck it up personally.

  3. inquisitiveraven says

    I’m not sure the big Cheeto’s attention span is up to the job. So which would win? His ego or his attention span.

  4. inquisitiveraven says

    I’m not sure the big Cheeto’s attention span is up to the job. So which would win? His ego or his attention span?

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