“While we were fertile, we were both deeply convicted that one of the ways to be pro-life is to involve ourselves in adoption… Knowing that it is often more challenging to find adoptive homes in the United States for non-Caucasian children we informed the agency that we were willing to accept any child except a fully Caucasian child. We did this with the deeply held conviction that if the Lord wanted us to have a fully Caucasian child my wife would conceive naturally,” Halbert writes.
In about 1,500 words, Halbert describes why having black babies is “enriching” and “beautiful.”
“There is something beautiful and enriching being the only white face sitting and chatting with some of my African-American friends as my son gets his hair cut on a Saturday morning. There is also something wonderful in the relationship that is built as my wife asks a black friend on Facebook how to care for our little biracial daughter’s hair.”
The Halbert’s pro-life perspective calls for them to “rescue” embryos frozen by prospective parents but never used. The couple selected African-American embryos specifically so their adopted children would feel that “black” connection.
I, um, I really don’t know what to say here. These people think the scales of racism fell away from their eyes, they obviously think they are doing something wonderful and great, and…words fail.
They ‘adopted’ two embryos because ‘life begins at conception’ and ended up with proof that that isn’t really true. The lives of one (or two) of their triplets certainly didn’t start at conception.
They adopted two actual born children.
Then they pulled this stunt.
Why not adopt more actual born children?
I guess you don’t get that genuine black connection doing that. Apparently, birthing black babies is supposed to make their adopted black children all connected to blackness and stuff.
There’s so much fucking wrong with this, I just…sdfsjwiurweo.
So. Much. Wrong. I wonder what all of this will eventually translate to in the lives of these children.
Fuck, I don’t know. There’s a whole lot of potential for very bad shit down the road. These people don’t want black kids, they want to be special snowflakes, doing the mighty white thing.
These two are the sort of people who want a pat on the back for Not Being a Shitstain.
I flounder sometimes when I try to deal with race issues. In fact, I’ve trained myself to recognize that feeling and use it as a trigger to shut my mouth and think things through more carefully from a couple angles, before I shoot my mouth off. After thinking it over pretty carefully, I think these people might have benefitted from a couple rounds of re-thinking.
Having black babies is enriching and beautiful.
Having white babies, like us? Eh, nothing special, certainly not enriching and beautiful.
The whole fucking thing reeks of colonialism, and that’s exactly what it is.
As an actual adoptee, people like this make me want to punch a fucking brick wall until I bleed. They didn’t adopt shit, they gestated those babies themselves!
WMDKitty, they adopted the first two kids.
So they did.
But they did it for all the wrong reasons, and do NOT get me started on the trend of “adopting” “snowflake babies” (embryos).
They didn’t adopt babies, they adopted a lifestyle.
That’s what riles me up here: They didn’t say “we want to adopt and since non-white babies have a harder time than white babies we’ll give them a home.” No, they needed black babies to given them “vibes”. Those babies’ skin colour is nothing more than an accessory.
Next they’ll claim they get to use the N-word because…
Yes, it’s all about them feeling special, not being just another white couple with white kids. It gives me a strong vibe of Munchausen’s. What happens when they aren’t feeling so special anymore?
Well, other people, especially whites, are going to give them real lessons about the realities of having a mixed race family.